How to adjust to remote learning?

You can adjust to distance learning if you study through Matric College. We provide: tutors, textbooks and Course Experts for the best learning experience.

Remote learning, also known as distance learning, is a method where students learn from home. This type of learning gives education opportunities to students from different parts of the world. They interact with tutors through online tools such as the following: 

How Do You Cope With Distance Learning?

You can cope with distance learning because it is flexible. When you are studying through distance learning, you complete your studies at home. This grants you enough time to study. The best part is that you do it at your own time and pace. You are able to understand what you are learning because there is no one rushing you. 

Distance learning is adjustable. Each student is responsible for their own studies. You do not have to worry about missing a class. You can set up a study schedule that suits you best. If you are busy during the day with other errands, you can study during the evening. Use the study routine that works best for you.

How Can You Become A Better Student In Distance Education?

You can become a better student in distance learning by doing the following: 

Have The Study Material 

If you are studying through distance learning at Matric College, You will be provided with the study material. This includes the following: 

  • Textbook 
  • Study guide 
  • Study checklists 
  • Study calendar 

You can use the above resources to help you study. You will gain knowledge that helps you in answering your assessments. You will become a better student if you have material to help you be better in your studies. 

Study Consistently 

If you want to become a better distance learning student, you should study consistently. The more you study consistently, the more you will remember what you have studied. As a result, you will be able to cover most of your course material on time. 

As soon as you are required to write your assignments, tests and exams, you will be ready. You will have the knowledge to answer because you have studied. 

Complete Your Assessments 

You can become a good distance learning student by completing all your assessments. Make sure that you always look at your submission timetable. Complete your assessments and submit them on time. 

If you are having challenges understanding what some questions mean in your assessments, you can contact your tutors and ask for assistance. Do not answer questions that you do not understand.

What Makes Distance Learning Effective?

This is what makes distance learning effective: 

  • Studying at home is very comfortable (makes learning enjoyable) 
  • Learners study at the pace they understand best 
  • Each student studies at their own preferred time 
  • No travelling to class saves time (more time to study) 
  • There is less academic stress because students are their own competition 
  • Students can use extra material as they study, e.g. internet, library

How Do You Manage Time And Overcome Stress During Distance Learning?

You can easily manage your time while studying through distance learning. You study at your own time and pace. This means you are able to balance your studies with other errands. You can choose to study daily or at least four times a week. The most important thing is to make time for your studies. Ensure that you do not miss any tests or assignments. 

When it comes to stress, you may not experience this while studying through distance learning. You can avoid stress by studying and submitting your assessments on time. Prepare for all assessments whether it is a test, assignment or exam. 

If you are experiencing any signs of stress, you can try the following to reduce stress

  • Exercise 
  • Drink a lot of water 
  • Take a walk 
  • Speak to a family member or professional 
  • Take a nap

Which Distance Learning Institution Can I Study At?

You can study through Matric College if you are looking for a distance learning college. We offer different courses that you can study with or without Matric. This is how you can apply: 

Step 1: Get in touch with the college 

Step 2: Communicate with one of our friendly Course Experts, and register for the course you want to study. 

Step 3: You will receive the study material from us. We will send this to your location via courier. This is five to seven days after your registration. 

Step 4: Become our student and start studying.

Benefits Of Studying At Matric College

  • You conduct your studies from home 
  • There are no classes to go to which makes you save money 
  • We have tutors to assist you in your studies 
  • The study material is provided to you by the college 
  • You learn at your own pace and time 
  • You can study while working 
  • Our courses provide you with skills and knowledge that are relevant 
  • You are awarded valuable qualifications (accredited and recognised)

What Are Distance Learning Courses?

Distance learning courses are courses offered at a distance learning institution. At Matric College, we have different types of courses. Here are the courses that we offer: 

  1. Matric Courses
  2. Matric Equivalent Courses
  3. NATED Courses 
  4. ICB Courses
  5. Short Courses

Matric Courses 

Matric Courses provide you with knowledge on different subjects. They are there to prepare you for college or university. When you complete these courses, you earn a Matric Certificate. These are the Matric Courses we offer: 

Matric Equivalent Courses 

Matric Equivalent Courses are focused on skills. They prepare you for employment and business. You can use the skills to get employment or start a business. When you complete these courses, you earn a Matric Equivalent Certificate. These are the Matric Equivalent Courses you can study: 

NATED Courses 

NATED Courses are focused on skills and knowledge that prepare you for employment. When you study these courses, you become a professional in the field you are studying because these courses have a mandatory practical component. 

You are also awarded an accredited and recognised qualification when you complete the course. Here are the NATED Courses you can study: 

ICB Courses 

ICB Courses are focused on skills and knowledge. These courses offer business-related education. You learn how to open a business and how to work in one. When you complete an ICB Course, you earn an ICB Qualification. These are the ICB Courses we offer: 

Short Courses 

Short Courses are focused on a variety of skills. Studying these courses will help you gain the skills that are valued by employers and good for business. You also receive a qualification when you complete these courses. Here are the Short Courses we offer: 

You can study for any of our courses to gain a valuable qualification that will help you open a business, find employment or study further.

Author: Mulisa Nethononda
Editor: Sive Ncanywa
Date: August 05, 2022