How to beat exam anxiety

You can beat exam anxiety by preparing for your exams in time. You can study for one or two months before the exams start so that you cover all topics.

Writing exams can be stressful. This can cause anxiety in many students. However, there are ways to beat anxiety. You can have a smooth exam season if you do it right. Here is what you can do to beat exam anxiety: 

  • Prepare for the exam 
  • Be positive 
  • Arrive on time 
  • Write your exam calmly

Prepare For The Exam

You can beat exam anxiety by preparing for your exams before it starts. You should make studying a routine as a student in Matric. As soon as you start Matric, you should start studying. You will be able to gain knowledge in time. 

When the timetable for your final exam is issued, you should start preparing for the exam. This will help you to not feel overwhelmed when the exam is near because you will be ready to write. You can prepare for your exam by doing the following: 

  • Study every day
  • Make use of past exam papers when you study 
  • Ask questions in class when you need more understanding 
  • Study with other students who want to pass

Be Positive

Exams can affect your self-esteem negatively. Do not allow this to happen. Tell yourself positive things that will help you create a positive mindset. This way, you will not have exam anxiety. You can tell yourself positive things such as: 

  • I am going to pass the final examinations 
  • I am able to study and understand
  • No questions will be too difficult for me to answer 
  • I am smart 
  • I can do anything I put my mind to 
  • I will excel in these exams 
  • I have prepared for this moment and I shall do well in it 

Words of affirmation will calm you down. They will remind you that you are prepared for the exams and that there is nothing to worry about.

Arrive on Time

The night before the exam, make sure that you rest. You must be relaxed in order to not miss your exam. Sleep enough hours and wake up in time to prepare for your exam. Set an alarm so that you get ready and arrive at the exam centre on time. Arrive at least 45 to 60 minutes before the exam starts. 

A well-rested mind and body will help you write your exam well. This will beat your exam anxiety. You will be able to remember all that you have studied because your mind is clear and active.

Write Your Exam Calmly

Make sure that you answer all the questions asked. Read each question carefully and answer it in understanding. Do not be anxious. You have studied for this, calm your mind, and you will easily remember what you have learnt. 

Writing your exam is an essential step in beating your anxiety. As a result, your mind and body begin to relax. Once you have written your first exam paper, you will feel more relaxed about writing other exam papers.

How Do I Stop Stressing Over Exams?

You can stop stressing over exams by preparing for them. Exam stress can arise if you have not fully prepared for your exams. If you have covered all your work, you will be confident and ready to write. Make sure you study everything you have learnt, which will stop the exam stress. 

If the stress continues even when you have studied, you can try the following to get your mind off negativity: 

  • Study with other students 
  • Exercise
  • Drink more water 
  • Speak positively to yourself 
  • Tell someone that you are stressed

Why Am I So Anxious For Exams?

You are anxious about the exams because they determine if you will pass the class you are in. Failing the exam could mean that you will not be able to go to university. This feeling is normal. However, you should not spend your time stressing.

Create a study plan that will help you gain knowledge that will help you answer well in the exams. This will make you feel anxious. You will be more focused on obtaining information that will help you pass.

What Are Signs Of Test Anxiety?

You can identify that you have anxiety over a test based on the following: 

  • Eating less or more 
  • Not falling asleep 
  • Mood swings 
  • Headaches
  • A racing heartbeat

Having anxiety over a test is normal. However, this should not be something you allow. You can easily beat test anxiety if you simply prepare more for your test. Someone who has studied and obtained knowledge cannot stress over a test. They are more positive and looking forward to taking the test. Make sure that you prepare for the test and beat your anxiety. 

Is It Ok To Fail In Exam?

Yes, it is okay to fail an exam. You are not the only person who has ever failed an exam. If this happens, you should not punish yourself for it, especially if you believe that you have given it your best shot. However, if you can avoid failing an exam, do it.

Why Do I Study So Hard And Still Fail?

You may be failing even though you have studied because you are not doing it the right way. Studying is a technique, and you must learn it in order to pass. This is what you can do to study and pass: 

  • Study to understand
  • Take breaks when you study for about 20 minutes 
  • Drink water as you study to have an active mind 
  • Make notes in class 
  • Use your notes, study material and past exam papers to study 
  • Have discussions with other students to learn more information
  • Ask other students and teachers to help you if you do not understand a topic 
  • Do not skip difficult questions but do research on them
  • Have an extra class to attend to learn more information 
  • Prepare for any assessments given 
  • Complete every assessment 
  • Aim for high marks only

What Can I Do If I Failed Matric?

There are many things you can do if you have failed your Matric. Here are the options you have: 

Upgrade Matric Course

You can study the Upgrade Matric Course offered at Matric College. You qualify to study whether you passed or failed Matric. You will be given study material, Grade 12 past exam papers and tutors to assist you as you improve your marks. When you complete the course, you will be awarded a Matric Certificate.

Supplementary Exam

You can apply for the supplementary exam to rewrite the final examinations. This is a chance for you to prepare for your exams better than the last time. Use your experience through the first exam to create a study plan for this one. You will have a better chance to pass because of your experience.

Remark, Recheck Or View Paper

Apply for the remark, recheck or view paper options through the Department of Basic Education. Your paper will be marked for the second time or checked to see that all questions have been marked fairly and correctly. 

It costs R104 to do the remark and R25 to do the recheck. Please note that fees are subject to change. 

If you want to apply for the view paper method, you must first do a remark or recheck. Then you will be given a chance to look at your paper and ensure that all questions have been marked correctly and justly. 

Please note that it costs R200 to view one paper and that the fee is subject to change.

Study Without Matric

You can study at Matric College even if you failed Matric. You can either study for your Matric or study without it. Here are the courses you can enrol for: 

Adult Matric Course

If you are 21 years or older, you can study the Adult Matric Course. You will be equipped with knowledge that will help you in furthering your education. When you complete this course, you will be awarded a Matric Certificate. 

ICB Courses

You can study our ICB Courses without a Matric Certificate. You are only required to have a Grade 10 or Grade 10 Equivalent Qualification to study. When you study the ICB Courses, you are equipped with skills and knowledge that can be used to find employment or open a business.

Short Courses

You can study our Short Courses without any particular qualification. You will be equipped with skills that are good for employment or starting a business. When you complete the course, the college awards you with a Certificate Qualification. 

Matric College’s best advice for students that are faced with anxiety during the exams is to prepare for the exam by using our resources. These resources will guide you on the right path. If you do fail the exam because of your anxiety, then you should complete our Matric Upgrade Course. You can improve your Matric marks and pass Matric successfully.

Author: Mulisa Nethononda
Editor: Sive Ncanywa
Date : July 04 , 2022