Is Grade 12 The Same As Matric? Exploring Matric College’s Educational Offerings

Understanding the difference between Grade 12 and Matric ensures that you understand the expectations from both. Observe how these well-known terms differ.

Not entirely the same, Grade 12 and Matric are not the same in South Africa. Grade 12 refers to the final year of secondary school education, while “Matric” denotes both the final year and the crucial exams taken at its end. However, in terms of curriculum, everything remains the same.

Successfully passing the exams results in the awarding of the Matriculation Certificate. Matric College offers a range of courses that cater to this significant phase, ensuring students are well-prepared for both their Grade 12 year and the Matric exams that follow.

What Courses Does Matric College Offer For Grade 12 And Matric Students?

Matric College, a distinguished distance learning institution, offers a variety of courses tailored to cater to the needs of Grade 12 and Matric students. These courses are designed to equip you with the required knowledge and skills to excel in your academic pursuits.

The primary offerings at our College are the following:

Each of these courses serves a distinct purpose, catering to diverse student requirements:


Course NamePurposeTarget AudienceCertificate TypeAwarded ByCredits
Matric Rewrite
  • Provides students with a second chance to meet Matric requirements
  • Referred to as the Second Chance Matric Programme by the Department of Basic Education
Students who have previously matriculated but wish to improve their resultsNational Senior Certificate (NSC)Umalusi130
Matric Upgrade
  • Enhances a student’s existing results by focusing on specific subjects
  • Allows for changing subjects to potentially easier ones
Students who have passed Matric but wish to upgrade specific subjectsSenior Certificate (Amended)Umalusi130
Adult Matric
  • Offers adults an opportunity to achieve their Matric qualification
  • Specially tailored for those who missed out earlier in life
  • Adults who have not yet completed their Grade 12
  • Who has a Grade 9 or equivalent course
  • 21 and older
  • English or Afrikaans
Senior CertificateUmalusi120

How Can Adult Matric Benefit Older Students?

Education is a continuous journey, and it is never too late to achieve one’s academic aspirations. The Adult Matric course stands for the benefits after you have completed the course. 

It is designed specifically for older students, this course offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility
  • Recognition
  • Opportunities


The course structure offers maximum flexibility, understanding the myriad commitments that come with age. This ensures that students can study at their convenience, balancing their educational pursuits with personal and professional responsibilities.


Achieving the Matric qualification later in life can be a monumental accomplishment. It offers a profound sense of achievement and societal recognition.


With a Matric qualification in hand, employment opportunities become more accessible. Furthermore, it paves the way for further educational endeavours, allowing individuals to start tertiary education.

What Is The Purpose Of A Grade 12 Rewrite?

The Grade 12 (Matric) Rewrite course’s primary objective is to offer a second chance. Here is why it holds paramount importance:

  • Improving Academic Profile
  • University Admissions
  • Boosting Confidence

Improving Academic Profile

If you believe you could have performed better in certain subjects. This course provides you with the chance to do so. It tries to help students overcome the challenges they may have faced during their first examination. 

University Admissions

Many universities have demanding admission criteria. Elevating your Grade 12 results can significantly improve the chances of securing admission to a course or institution. Ensuring that you pass well is important. The results you pass will indicate whether you have met the entry requirements for your tertiary programme.

There are different pass levels, mainly the following: 

  • NSC pass
  • Higher Certificate pass
  • Diploma pass
  • Bachelor pass

How Does A Grade 12 (Matric) Upgrade Enhance A Student's Results?

The Grade 12 Upgrade course at Matric College offers a strategic approach to academic excellence. Instead of retaking the entire Grade 12 examination, you can concentrate on specific subjects where you discovered room for improvement. Here is how it increases results:

  • The course allows you to focus on select subjects. Ensuring dedicated efforts where they are most required
  • Expert tutors and resources for the Grade 12 Upgrade course help you refine your weak areas of study
  • By upgrading specific subjects, you can meet the prerequisites of certain university courses 

Why Choose Matric College For Your Grade 12 Or Matric Studies?

One of the most important reasons to choose our College is the courses we offer. We specialise in giving student the means to pass their Grade 12. Here are some compelling reasons to choose our College:

  • From rewrites to upgrades or completing Matric as an adult, we offer courses that cater to a wide spectrum of student needs
  • We provide guidance and feedback on assignments
  • Flexible hours of studying and different payment options

How Do These Courses Prepare Students for University or Employment?

Our courses exceed mere exam preparation; they sculpt students for the future. Here is how they prepare you for university and the professional world:

  • Solid Academic Foundation: The courses ensure a good grasp of subjects. Laying a sturdy foundation for university studies
  • Critical Thinking: The curriculum is crafted to nurture critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Adaptability: Being a distance learning institution, we instil the virtues of self-discipline and adaptability
  • Confidence: Mastery over subjects and achieving commendable results help with confidence 

What Is Grade 12 In South Africa?

In South Africa, Grade 12 holds significant importance. Often termed Matric, this year concludes with the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations. This final year in your academic journey acts as a bridge to tertiary education or diverse career avenues.

What Does Grade 12 Mean In South Africa?

This grade marks the completion of secondary schooling and the beginning of adulthood. It is also a year for maturity, responsibility, and important decisions. It is the period when you transition from your teenage years and make choices that mould your future.

What Subjects Do Students Take In Grade 12?

The curriculum for Grade 12 in South Africa aims to furnish students with a holistic education. There are foundational subjects that each student undertakes. They are complemented by a range of elective subjects

This combination ensures a broad-based education whilst allowing specialisation in areas of interest. Core subjects include a Home Language, an Additional Language, Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, and Life Orientation. 

The elective subjects include sciences, humanities and many others.

What Challenges Do Students Face In Grade 12?

Beyond your academics, and the NSC examinations looming. You could be faced with personal and societal hurdles. Making decisions about future studies and career orientations can be overwhelming. 

Balancing your academics with other activities. Such as social commitments, and familial duties pose their own set of challenges. External expectations from parents, educators, and peers could lead to added pressure.

Do Universities Look At Grade 12 Marks?

Yes, Grade 12 results are important for South African universities. These marks are often used for eligibility criteria. These are for specific courses and play a role in the enrolment process. 

For courses with limited seats, these results could improve the chances of getting a seat. Several universities also offer scholarships based on merit, with Grade 12 outcomes being a primary factor.

What Is Equivalent To Grade 12 In South Africa?

In South Africa, Grade 12 is the final year of secondary school education. It is equivalent to the twelfth grade or senior year in other educational systems. At Matric College we offer the option to complete Grade 12 Equivalent courses. 

Here is our list of Grade 12 Equivalent courses: 

How Has Grade 12 Changed Over Time?

Grade 12 in South Africa has undergone considerable transformation over the years. In the past, Grade 12 exams were overseen by individual provinces, leading to variations in education standards. 

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) brought a significant change in the Matric system. This renewed curriculum aimed to offer a broader, structured approach to education. The evolution was not confined to the curriculum alone. 

Assessment methods also saw a shift. Continuous assessment, encompassing assignments and tests throughout the year, now contributes significantly to the final mark, offering a more rounded evaluation of your capabilities.

Moreover, technological advancements have reshaped how Grade 12 is provided and done. From online study aids to digital examination platforms, you, as a modern Grade 12 student, have many resources at your fingertips.

What Subjects Do Grade 12 Students Study?

The Grade 12 curriculum aims to provide you with a comprehensive education, providing you with the requisite skills for future purposes. Every student must undertake seven subjects. This is unless you are an adult student that would only require you to pass at least five of six subjects when completing Adult Matric.

Mandatory core subjects for Grade 12 include the following:

  • Two languages, with one being the student’s home language
  • Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
  • Life Orientation, encompassing life skills, personal growth, and physical education

Beyond these, you must select three elective subjects. These range from sciences, such as Physical Sciences, to arts, and commerce subjects like Business Studies. Your subject choices can significantly influence your future. For instance, if you are keen on pursuing engineering at university, Mathematics and Physical Sciences become essential. 

In summary, Matric or Grade 12, in South Africa is not merely a school-leaving certificate. From the subjects you delve into to the grades you secure. Every aspect of the Matric year is useful in charting your life’s course.

Why Are Grade 12 Exams Important?

In South Africa, the Matric exams, mark the end of Grade 12. But what elevates these exams to such prominence? For many individuals like you, the Matric exams serve as a gateway to the future. 

They determine your access to higher education, influence your career choices, and often shape your aspirations. Universities and colleges in South Africa give considerable weight to Matric results.  Employers also prefer this achievement as a minimum requirement.

A commendable performance can secure your place in top-tier institutions and sought-after courses. In the societal realm, the Matric exams are a topic of national conversation. They spark discussions in households, feature in media debates, and are scrutinised by educators. 

Do Jobs Care About Grade 12 Results?

In South Africa’s competitive employment landscape, the significance of Grade 12 results is paramount. For many employers, these results offer insights into a candidate’s academic understanding, dedication, and tenacity. Consider the following factors: 

  • Entry Criteria
  • Skill Evaluation
  • Professional Advancement

Entry Criteria

Numerous entry-level positions, particularly in domains such as finance, engineering, and healthcare, require a National Senior Certificate.

Skill Evaluation

While Grade 12 results are fundamentally academic. They also reflect diverse skills. Doing well in Maths means you are good at thinking things through. Being good at languages could indicate you can communicate well.

Professional Advancement

If you are inclined to pursue further studies whilst employed. Your Grade 12 results can impact your access to professional courses and certifications

Why Do People Confuse Grade 12 And Matric?

The overlap between Grade 12 and Matric is understandable, given their intertwined nature. There are a few reasons for this confusion. Over the years, as the education system changed, this term began describing both the final school year and the culminating exams.

Pair this with casual dialogues, for example, individuals might inquire if you have “completed Matric” or “passed Matric”, alluding to both the academic year and the examinations

Do Grade 12 And Matric Students Study The Same Things?

Yes Grade 12 students and Matric students, study the same things. The one refers to the entire grade while the other term represents the completion of the year. Everything remains the same. Take a look at these reasons: 

  • Both Grade 12 pupils and those preparing for Matric exams delve into the same foundational curriculum. This encompasses subjects such as Mathematics, Life Sciences, and Languages
  • In Grade 12, you can select elective subjects tailored to your interests and future goals. These selections remain consistent for Matric examinations

What Is Hard For Grade 12 Students?

The final year of secondary school, Grade 12, culminating in the Matric exams, is undeniably challenging. But what makes it particularly tough for students like you? You may discover some academic pressure, to understand the coursework.

Some of you perhaps have high expectations, but do not know how to manage time. There are many challenges, however, with challenges come possible solutions.

Take a look at some challenges and how you could overcome them:

Challenges in Grade 12What It MeansPossible Solutions
Academic PressureGrade 12 has a big syllabus. You need to know a lot and remember it in examsCreate a study schedule. Use tools like flashcards and study groups. Take regular breaks
ExpectationsMany people want you to do well: family, teachers, and friends. This can be stressfulTalk about your feelings. Set realistic goals. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help
Time ManagementThere is a lot to do in Grade 12. Balancing studies, free time, and other activities is hardPrioritise tasks. Use planners or apps. Set specific times for study and relaxation
Emotional StrainLeaving school and thinking about the future can be toughSeek counselling or talk to trusted individuals. Engage in activities that relax you
Decision-MakingAfter Grade 12, you have to make big choices about what to do nextResearch your options. Talk to career counsellors. Take your time to decide

Grade 12 and the Matric exams are academically demanding, and the challenges are multifaceted. However, it is a year of growth, decisions, and transitions, making it a memorable yet challenging phase in a student’s life.

Why Should Students Choose Matric College To Complete Grade 12?

At Matric College we believe that everyone deserves a second chance and more. That is why we have different options in Grade 12 courses, the way students would like to study as well as how students can pay their tuition.

We provide different payment options that can be ideal for different students. Take a look at the options we offer: 

  • Advance payments
  • Split payments
  • Monthly payments
  • Unique payments

How Can A Student Enrol At Matric College?

We have ensured to make our enrolment process more simple and convenient. Because all our courses are available through distance learning, you will be able to enrol with us online from your mobile device. Here are some easy steps to follow: 

  1. Step 1: Browse through our courses and be sure to read through the course information to make an informed decision
  2. Step 2: Once you have made your decision, you can go ahead and click the “Apply Now” button and an online application form will be available
  3. Step 3: Read through the form first before you start adding the needed information. Be sure that the information you provide is accurate
  4. Step 4: After you have completed the application, submit the form and a course expert will get back to you as soon as possible
  5. Step 5: Once your application has been reviewed and approved, you will be able to start your studies
  6. Step 6: Depending on the payment option you choose, the amount of study materials for your option, will be delivered to you

How Can You Contact Matric College?

At Matric College you can feel free to contact us between office hours which are 08:00 am till 17:00 pm. You can contact us in the following ways:

  • Landline: 021 838 8280
  • WhatsApp Us:  065 656 9818
  • Or you can contact our course experts directly

People Also Ask

In South Africa, students in Grade 12 study a range of subjects determined by the curriculum. At the end of the year, they sit for the Matriculation exams. Their performance in these exams can determine their eligibility for tertiary education.

Yes, in South Africa, the Matric Certificate is aligned with NQF Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework.

In South Africa, Matriculation refers to the completion of Grade 12 and the successful passing of the end-of-year exams, resulting in the awarding of the Matric Certificate, which is awarded by Umalusi

In South Africa, the Matric Certificate is vital. It is a gateway to tertiary education and influences job opportunities. Many employers and educational institutions regard it as a minimum requirement.

With a Matric Certificate, you can complete the following courses at Matric College: 

In South Africa, alternatives include the National Certificate Vocational (NCV) and qualifications through ICB. These are our equivalent courses and act as foundational qualifications for more advanced ICB qualifications: 

Author: Lynnzelle Adams
Editor: Connor Bergsma
Date Published: January 29, 2024