Is It A Good Idea To Rewrite My Grade 12

Take a step in the right direction by improving your Grade 12 results with the rewrite program. Find other options available at Matric College through distance learning.

Yes, it is a good idea to rewrite your Grade 12 if you believe that your initial results do not reflect your true potential or if they are hindering your future academic and career aspirations. Rewriting offers a second chance to improve your marks, opening up more opportunities for tertiary education and better career prospects.

What Should You Know About The Grade 12 Rewrite?

If you are thinking about redoing your Grade 12 exams, it is a big decision that can lead to better grades and open up new opportunities for further education and employment. Before you begin, it is important to understand what is involved, such as the process for signing up, options for where to study, and how it might benefit you in the future. 

Knowing all about the Grade 12 rewrite process can help you make an informed choice and prepare you for this significant step. Whether you aim to qualify for university admission or need to meet specific job requirements, redoing your matric could be an essential part of achieving your objectives.

At Matric College we offer you the opportunity to rewrite your Grade 12 subjects with our Rewrite programme. Here is the Matric Rewrite Course Information:

  • Certificate Type: National Senior Certificate (NSC)
  • Awarded By: Umalusi
  • Award Type: National Senior Certificate (NSC) and a Programme Completion Certificate
  • NQF Level: Level 4
  • SAQA ID: 49647
  • Credits: 130
  • Entry Requirements: An incomplete Matric result or your final Matric results
  • Matric Rewrite Subjects: When you decide to rewrite your Matric, you should note that you need to rewrite the same subjects that you had for your previous attempt

Who Is The Grade 12 Rewrite Course For?

The Grade 12 Rewrite is an opportunity for students who want to improve their final matric results. If you did not perform as well as you hoped in your matric exams, this is your chance to make things right. There are more reasons as to why you might want to rewrite your Grade 12 subjects: 

  • Many students consider a Grade 12 Rewrite due to various reasons. Some might have faced personal challenges during their matric year, while others might want to meet university entrance requirements
  • The Grade 12 Rewrite is well-recognised in both the academic and professional world
  • Students who are dedicated and use the right resources often achieve better results
  • Not only do you get a second chance at improving your academic record, but you also gain confidence in your abilities
  • There is no set limit to how many times you can rewrite your subjects
  • Even if you passed your matric but did not achieve the results you desired, you can still opt for a rewrite
  • Time does not diminish the value of a Matric certificate. Whether it has been a year or five since you completed matric, you can still rewrite

What Circumstances Lead Students To Consider A Matric Rewrite?

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes, despite your best efforts, external factors can affect your performance. You might have faced personal challenges, health issues, or family emergencies during your matric year that impacted your studies.

Individual Academic Challenges

Not every student’s journey is the same. Some of you might have struggled with specific subjects, finding them more challenging than others. It is natural to have strengths and weaknesses in different areas.

Exam Pressure And Performance

For others, the pressure of the final exams might have been overwhelming. The stress and anxiety surrounding Grade 12 exams can sometimes hinder your ability to perform at your best.

Access To Resources And Support

Some students might not have had access to the necessary resources or support during their Grade 12 year. This lack of guidance can lead to gaps in understanding and preparation.

Adjusting To Changes In Schooling

Changing schools or curriculums during your high school years can also be a factor. Adapting to a new environment or teaching method can be challenging, and it might take time to adjust. This can lead to a need for a Grade 12 Rewrite.

How Is The Grade 12 Rewrite Recognised In The Academic And Professional World?

When you think about rewriting your Grade 12, one of the primary concerns might be how this decision will be perceived in the academic and professional areas. Firstly, it is important to understand that the Grade 12 Rewrite is not a lesser version of the original Grade 12. 

The content, standards, and assessment criteria remain the same. When you complete your Grade 12 Rewrite, you receive the National Senior Certificate, which is the same certificate awarded to all Grade 12 students in South Africa.

How Is The Grade 12 Rewrite Perceived By Universities And Tertiary Institutions?

In the academic world, universities and tertiary institutions recognise the Grade 12 Rewrite just as they would the original Grade 12. If you achieve the required results for your desired course or program after your rewrite, you are eligible for admission. 

What Value Does A Grade 12 Rewrite Have In The Professional World?

In the professional realm, employers value determination, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges. Opting for a Grade 12 Rewrite showcases these qualities. It demonstrates your commitment to self-improvement and your determination to achieve your goals, regardless of the obstacles. 

Most employers recognise the Grade 12 Rewrite certificate as equivalent to the original Grade 12, focusing more on your skills, experience, and attitude.

Are There Different Types Of Grade Rewrite Programmes Available?

Choosing to rewrite your Grade 12 is a good decision, and it is important to know the options available to you. Different programmes cater to various needs, ensuring that you find the best fit for your academic journey. 

One of the primary programmes we offer at our college is the standard Grade 12 Rewrite. This programme is designed for students who wish to improve their overall Grade 12 results. Whether you faced challenges in one subject or several, this programme provides comprehensive support to help you achieve better marks.

Another option is the Grade 12 Upgrade course. This is tailored for students who have passed Grade 12 but want to upgrade specific subjects. Perhaps you are aiming for a particular tertiary course, and upgrading will help meet the entrance requirements.

It is crucial to understand the differences between these programmes to make an informed choice. While the standard Grade 12 Rewrite focuses on improving your overall results, the Upgrade course hones in on specific subjects.

In addition to these, we also offer  Matric equivalent certificates. These are alternatives to the traditional Grade 12 certificate and are recognised by various institutions and employers.

How Do The Outcomes Of Different Grade 12 Rewrite Programmes Compare?

Deciding on a Grade 12 Rewrite is a commendable decision, but understanding the outcomes of the various programmes available is crucial. Each programme is tailored to meet specific needs, and the outcomes can vary based on the path you choose.

What Does The Standard Grade 12 Rewrite Programme Offer?

The standard Grade 12 Rewrite programme at our college aims to enhance your overall Grade 12 results. The outcome here is straightforward: improved marks across the subjects you decide to rewrite. This programme is ideal if you are looking to boost your overall academic profile, opening doors to a wider range of tertiary education opportunities.

How Can The Grade 12 Upgrade Course Benefit You?

On the other hand, the Grade 12 Upgrade course focuses on specific subjects. The outcome is an upgraded mark in the chosen subjects, which can be pivotal if you have specific tertiary courses in mind. For instance, if a university course requires a higher mark in Mathematics, the Upgrade course can help you achieve that target.

Are There Alternatives To The Traditional Grade 12 Certificate?

Beyond these, some programmes lead to Matric equivalent certificates. The outcome of these programmes is a certificate that stands as an alternative to the traditional Grade 12 certificate. While not a direct rewrite, these certificates are recognised by many institutions and employers, offering a different pathway to further studies or employment.

How Do You Choose The Right Grade 12 Rewrite Programme?

While all Grade 12 Rewrite programmes aim to enhance your academic prospects, the specific outcomes differ. Whether it is an improved overall result, an upgraded mark in particular subjects, or an alternative certificate, each programme offers unique benefits. 

It is important to align your choice with your future goals. At our college, we are dedicated to helping you understand these outcomes and make the best decision for your future.

What Are The Benefits Of Rewriting Grade 12?

Rewriting Grade 12 is a decision that comes with many benefits. While the primary goal is to improve academic results, the advantages extend beyond just better marks.  Here are some benefits that come with completing a Grade 12 rewrite programme: 

  • Boosted Academic Profile
  • Increased Confidence
  • Wider Career Opportunities
  • Personal Growth

Boosted Academic Profile

One of the most immediate benefits of a Grade 12 rewrite is the enhancement of your academic record. Improved results can make a significant difference, especially if you are aiming for specific tertiary education courses. With better marks, you can access a broader range of academic opportunities at universities and colleges.

Increased Confidence

Facing challenges and overcoming them is a confidence booster. By choosing to rewrite and achieving better results, you prove to yourself that you can rise above setbacks. This new-found confidence can be a driving force in future academic and professional pursuits.

Wider Career Opportunities

Many professions have specific Grade 12 requirements. By improving your results, you can access a broader spectrum of career paths. Whether it is a requirement for a particular subject or an overall aggregate, a successful rewrite can be your gateway to your dream job.

Personal Growth

The journey of a Grade 12 rewrite is not just about academics. It is a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and determination. The skills and attributes you develop during this process, such as perseverance and time management, are invaluable life skills.

How Many Times Can You Rewrite Grade 12?

Rewriting Grade 12 is a chance to improve your marks. But a common question many students have is “How often can this be done?” If you did not get the results you hoped for in Grade 12, you might think about rewriting. 

The good news is that there is no set limit to how many times you can rewrite. This means you have multiple opportunities to get the marks you want. However, it is important to approach each rewrite with a clear plan. Every time you decide to rewrite, it requires time, effort, and resources. So, it is a good idea to make the most of each attempt.

Can I Rewrite Grade 12 After 5 Years?

The answer is yes. You can rewrite Grade 12 even after 5 years or more have passed since your initial attempt. There is no time restriction on when you can decide to rewrite. This flexibility ensures that everyone has the opportunity to improve their results, no matter how much time has passed.

However, it is important to note that after such a long gap, the curriculum might have seen changes. This means that while the core concepts remain the same, there could be updates in content or exam patterns. It is crucial to be aware of these changes and prepare accordingly.

Can I Rewrite Grade 12 If I Pass?

A common question that arises among students is whether they can rewrite Grade 12 even if they have passed. Yes, you can choose to rewrite Grade 12 even if you have already passed. Passing Grade 12 does not mean you are restricted from seeking better marks. Many students opt for a rewrite to improve specific subject scores or to increase their overall aggregate.

A rewrite offers the chance to focus on these subjects and achieve the results you believe you are capable of. At our college, we support students in their decision to rewrite, regardless of their previous results. We provide the necessary resources, guidance, and study materials to help you excel in your rewrite attempt.

How Should You Prepare For Your Grade 12 Rewrite At Matric College?

Preparing for a Grade 12 rewrite is a significant step in your academic journey. It is an opportunity to improve your results and pave the way for a brighter future. But how can you ensure that you are adequately prepared and make the most of this chance?

Effective study strategies are needed for successful exam preparation. Here are some tried and tested methods to help you excel in your Grade 12 rewrite:

  • Understand The Syllabus: Knowing what to expect can help you plan your study sessions more efficiently
  • Break Down Topics: Instead of trying to tackle an entire subject in one go, break it down into smaller, manageable topics
  • Use Mind Maps: Mind maps are a visual way to organise information. They can help you understand complex topics by breaking them down into simpler concepts and showing the connections between them
  • Practice Regularly: The more you practice, the better you will become. Use past papers, mock tests, and quizzes to test your knowledge and improve your time management skills
  • Stay Consistent: It is better to study a little every day than to cram all your revisions into a few days. Regular study sessions help reinforce your learning and improve retention
  • Seek Feedback: Do not hesitate to ask your tutors or peers for feedback. They can provide valuable insights, point out areas of improvement, and offer guidance
  • Stay Updated: Ensure you are aware of any changes or updates to the syllabus or exam format. Matric College regularly communicates such updates to its students
  • Stay Calm And Positive: A positive mindset can make a world of difference. Believe in yourself, stay calm, and remember that you are well-prepared

How Can Students Manage Their Time Effectively During The Rewrite Process?

Time management is crucial when preparing for exams. Effective time management not only ensures that you cover all topics but also reduces stress and boosts confidence. Here are some strategies to help you manage your time efficiently:

  • Allocate specific hours each day to different subjects
  • Ensure you give more time to subjects you find challenging and schedule regular breaks to avoid burnout
  • Break down your revision into smaller tasks and set daily goals
  • Set specific deadlines for each topic and stick to them
  • Focus on topics that carry more weight in the exam or areas where you need improvement
  • Allocate time at the end of each week to review what you have learned
  • Find a quiet place to study, free from distractions
  • Turn off unnecessary electronic devices and let family members know your study schedule, so they can support you

How Can You Address Concerns About Grade 12 Rewrite Results?

When you have invested months of hard work and preparation into your Grade 12 rewrite, it is only natural to anticipate satisfying results. However, there may be instances where your outcomes do not align with your efforts. In such cases, it is essential to be aware of the available options. 

These options include rechecking, remarking, and viewing your marked examination scripts to gain insights into your performance. It is crucial to act promptly if you decide to pursue any of these options, as specific application deadlines apply. 

What Options Are Available If You Are Not Satisfied With Your Grade 12 Rewrite Results?

It is natural to expect the best results after months of hard work and preparation. However, if you find that your results do not reflect your efforts, here are the options you can pursue:

  • Rechecking: This process involves a relook at your examination paper to ensure that all questions have been marked and that marks have been tallied correctly
  • Remarking: If you believe that there has been an error in the marking of your paper, you can apply for a remark. This means that a different examiner will re-evaluate your paper
  • Viewing of Scripts: If you wish to understand where you might have gone wrong, you can request to view your marked examination scripts. This can provide clarity and help you prepare better for the future

How Can You Request Rechecking, Remarking, And Viewing Of Exam Papers?

If you decide to go ahead with rechecking, remarking, or viewing your scripts, you must follow the procedures laid out by the Department of Basic Education. There is a nominal fee associated with each of these services. Once you have made your decision:

  • Obtain the necessary application forms
  • Complete the forms, ensuring all details are accurate
  • Pay the required fee and keep a receipt as proof of payment
  • Submit the forms and receipt to your school or examination centre before the stipulated deadline

What Steps Should You Take If Your Grade 12 Rewrite Results Are Withheld?

On rare occasions, results might be withheld due to various reasons, such as discrepancies in the examination process or outstanding fees. If you find yourself in this situation, it is crucial to remain calm and take the following steps:

  • Contact your examination centre to understand the reason for the withholding of results
  • If the issue is related to outstanding fees, ensure they are settled as soon as possible
  • For other concerns, contact the necessary department or authority to resolve the matter

Which Courses Does Matric College Offer For Rewriting?

At Matric College, we understand the importance of Grade 12 in shaping your academic and professional future. That is why we offer a range of courses tailored to meet the diverse needs of our students. If you are considering rewriting Grade 12, here is a list of courses available for you:

What Subjects Are Mandatory For A Grade 12 Rewrite at Matric College?

When considering a Grade 12 rewrite at Matric College, it is important to understand the subjects available for rewriting. While we offer a range of subjects to cater to diverse academic needs, it is crucial to note that you can only rewrite the subjects you chose in your previous attempt. This is to ensure consistency in your academic record and to provide a focused approach to your studies.

This approach ensures that you can concentrate on improving your marks in areas you are already familiar with, increasing your chances of success. If you are unsure about which subjects you can rewrite, we recommend reaching out to our admissions team for guidance and support.

Are There Elective Subjects That Students Can Choose Based on Their Interests?

At Matric College, we offer a variety of subjects to cater to the diverse interests and academic needs of our students. While there are compulsory subjects that every student must take, there are also elective subjects that you can choose based on your interests and future aspirations. 

Here are some of the elective subjects available if you are deciding on upgrading your Grade 12 results:

  • Physical Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Business Studies
  • Economics

These subjects provide a broad spectrum of knowledge, allowing you to delve into areas that resonate with your passion and career goals. Whether you incline to the sciences or the world of business, there is something for everyone.

How Does The Grade 12 Upgrade Course Differ From The Standard Grade 12 Rewrite?

The Grade 12 Upgrade course at Matric College is designed specifically for those who have already written their Grade 12 exams but wish to improve their marks. This is different from a standard Grade 12 rewrite. The primary aim of the Grade 12 Upgrade is to enhance your existing marks. With the Grade 12 Upgrade, you have the flexibility to upgrade as many subjects as you like. You can even select a new set of subjects if you wish.

The standard rewrite only allows you to redo subjects you selected in your first attempt. Both courses are however available to those that have previously written the Grade 12 exams. At Matric College you will be able to complete your course through distance learning. And your exams will be done at centres registered with the Department of Basic Education

What Are Some Tips For Rewriting Grade 12?

Rewriting Grade 12 is a commendable decision, showing determination and a desire for self-improvement. To make the most of this opportunity, it is important to approach the rewrite with a clear strategy. 

Here are some practical tips to help you succeed in your Grade 12 rewrite:

  • Set Clear Goals
  • Create a Study Schedule
  • Use Quality Study Materials
  • Use Quality Study Materials
  • Practice with Past Papers
  • Seek Help When Needed
  • Avoid Last-minute Cramming
  • Stay Positive
  • Join Study Groups
  • Review and Reflect

Set Clear Goals

Before you start studying, define what you aim to achieve. Whether it is improving a specific subject’s score or achieving an overall better average, having clear goals can guide your study sessions.

Create A Study Schedule

Plan your study time. Allocate specific hours each day for different subjects. Ensure you give more time to subjects you find challenging.

Use Quality Study Materials

At Matric College, we provide our students with comprehensive study materials. Make the most of these resources, and if needed, seek additional reference books or online resources.

Practice With Past Papers

Familiarise yourself with the exam format by practising with past papers. This not only helps you understand the type of questions asked but also improves your time management during the actual exam.

Seek Help When Needed

If you are struggling with a particular topic, do not hesitate to ask for help. Whether it is teachers, peers, or online forums, there are many avenues to get your queries addressed.

Avoid Last-Minute Cramming

While it might be tempting to study till the last minute, it is more beneficial to review and relax the day before the exam. This helps in retaining information and reduces exam-day anxiety.

Stay Positive

A positive mindset can make a significant difference. Believe in your abilities, stay motivated, and remember why you chose to rewrite. 

Join Study Groups

Interacting with fellow students can offer new perspectives on challenging topics. Study groups can also provide moral support and motivation. They are also a good way to practice exam questions.

Review And Reflect

After each study session, take a few minutes to review what you have learned. This reinforces the information and helps in long-term retention. Doing continuous revision will help you retain information more easily than trying to memorise chunks of information. 

Why Is Grade 12 Important?

Grade 12, often referred to as the Matric year, is a pivotal point in your educational journey. It is the culmination of your school years and serves as a gateway to numerous opportunities in higher education and the job market. Completing Grade 12 successfully can significantly influence your academic and professional trajectory in the following ways: 

  • Higher Education Access: Universities, colleges, and other tertiary institutions often require a Grade 12 certificate as a basic entry requirement
  • Scholarships And Bursaries:  Many scholarships or bursaries, offered by universities or private organisations, are based on Grade 12 results
  • Job Market: While many professions require tertiary qualifications, there are sectors where a Grade 12 certificate is the minimum requirement

What Opportunities Can Arise From Successfully Completing Grade 12?

Completing Grade 12 is a significant achievement that can open a world of opportunities for you. It is not just an end to your school years, but a beginning to a myriad of paths you can choose to walk. Here are some of the opportunities that can arise from having a Grade 12 certificate:

  • Tertiary education 
  • Apprenticeships and internships
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Vocational training
  • Travel and gap year
  • Scholarships for further studies

Who Can Rewrite And How Do They Register?

The journey to rewriting Grade 12 is a decision that comes with its own set of procedures and requirements. It is not just about the will to improve; it is also about understanding the process and ensuring you meet the necessary criteria. 

What Are The Eligibility Criteria For A Grade 12 Rewrite At Matric College?

It is essential to be aware of the eligibility criteria. These criteria ensure that students who opt for a rewrite are genuinely in a position to benefit from it. Firstly, any student who has previously sat for the Grade 12 examinations is eligible for a rewrite. 

This includes students who might not have achieved their desired marks or those who did not pass certain subjects. Secondly, age is not a restrictive factor. Whether you completed your Grade 12 recently or several years ago, you have the opportunity to improve your marks. This inclusive approach ensures that everyone gets a fair chance at academic improvement.

While the desire to rewrite is commendable, it is also important to have a clear purpose. Whether it is to meet university admission criteria, improve career prospects, or personal satisfaction, having a clear goal can motivate you throughout the rewrite process.

What Is The Registration Process For A Grade 12 Rewrite Course At Matric College?

Registering for a Grade 12 rewrite at Matric College is a systematic process designed to ensure that every student is well-prepared for their exams. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the registration process:

Step One: Familiarise With The Programme

Before registering, it is important to understand the details of the Grade 12 rewrite programme. The dedicated section provides insights into subjects on offer, study materials, and support mechanisms.

Step Two: Complete The Online Registration Form

This form will ask for your details such as name, contact information, previous Grade 12 results, and the subjects you wish to rewrite. Ensure that all information is accurate to facilitate smooth processing.

Step Three: Wait For A Response

After submitting the form, a representative from Matric College will contact you. They will guide you through subsequent steps, which may include document submission, result verification, and payment procedures. There are specific registration deadlines to adhere to. Registering within these timelines ensures you have ample time for preparation.

Step Four: Receive Confirmation And Study Materials

Once registered, you will get a confirmation, study materials, and a study schedule to help you commence your preparation.

Step Five: Begin Your Preparation

With materials in hand and a clear study schedule, you can start your journey towards improving your Grade 12 results.

How To Register For Grade 12 Rewrite At Department Of Basic Education's?

The Department of Basic Education offers a unique opportunity for learners who wish to improve their Grade 12 results through the Second Chance Matric Programme. This programme is designed to support learners to meet the requirements of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Senior Certificate (SC) and obtain a Grade 12 matric certificate. 

There are specific opportunities within the Second Chance Matric Programme for rewriting:

  • Visit the government’s e-services portal
  • Navigate to “Education” and then scroll until you find the exam period you need to apply for, for example, “June Registration for Senior Certificate” 
  • Log in using your email and password, or register if you do not have a profile
  • Once logged in, register to rewrite Matric exams or subjects​​

What Documents Are Important For The Grade 12 Rewrite Registration At Matric College?

Registering for a Grade 12 rewrite at Matric College is a structured process, and having the right documents at hand can make the process smoother. These documents not only verify your identity but also provide a clear record of your previous academic performance. 

Here is a list of important documents you will need:

  • Certified Copy Of Your ID: This serves as proof of your identity and ensures that your results are correctly attributed to you
  • Previous Grade 12 Results: This document provides a record of the subjects you took and the marks you achieved. It helps in determining which subjects you are eligible to rewrite
  • Completed Registration Form: This form captures all your details, including the subjects you wish to rewrite, and serves as your official application to join the rewrite programme

Why Choose Matric College For Your Studies?

Distance learning at Matric College is not just about remote access to study materials. It is a holistic experience designed to cater to the needs of each student. Our curriculum is created by experts, ensuring that the content is relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with the latest educational standards.

We have also ensured that our approach to distance learning prioritises flexibility. We understand that our students come from diverse backgrounds, with varied responsibilities. Hence, our programmes are structured to allow students to learn at their own pace, without the constraints of traditional classroom timings. 

How Do Students Benefit From The Distance Learning Approach At Matric College?

Our programmes allow you to study whenever and wherever it suits you. This means you can balance your studies with work, family commitments, or other responsibilities. Without the need for physical infrastructure like classrooms, distance learning often proves to be more affordable than traditional learning. 

This cost-effectiveness ensures that quality education is accessible to a wider audience. At Matric College, you are not just a number. Our dedicated team of tutors and support staff are always on hand to assist you, ensuring that you never feel isolated in your learning journey. As part of ensuring you do not feel alone, we provide great social platforms to keep healthy interaction amongst peers with discussion and study groups.

What Support Mechanisms Does Matric College Offer To Its Students?

We believe that every student, irrespective of their mode of study, deserves comprehensive support. Our tutors are subject-matter experts who are available to assist with any academic queries. They provide feedback, clarify doubts, and guide students to ensure they grasp the concepts.

You can interact with peers, this can offer fresh perspectives and solutions to academic challenges. Our student forums are vibrant communities where students can discuss topics, share insights, and seek advice. 

You will also receive regular assignments and tests to ensure you understand the subjects. Your tutors will then give timely feedback, helping identify areas of improvement.

People Also Ask

Distance learning at Matric College offers flexibility, allowing students to study at their own pace and from any location. Unlike traditional learning, where students need to attend physical classes, distance learning provides materials online. This mode is particularly beneficial for those who have work commitments, live in remote areas, or prefer a self-paced learning environment.

Typically, there are no strict age restrictions for the Grade 12 Rewrite at Matric College. The programme is designed to cater for a wide range of students, from those who have recently completed Grade 12 to adults returning to education after several years.

Matric College offers comprehensive support to its students. This includes access to qualified tutors, study materials, online resources, and dedicated student support teams. They ensure that students have all the necessary tools and guidance to succeed in their rewrite journey.

The fees for the Grade 12 Rewrite at Matric College vary based on the subjects taken and the duration of the course. It is best to contact our course experts for the most up-to-date fee structure.

The duration of the Grade 12 Rewrite programme at Matric College typically depends on the student’s chosen subjects and their study pace. On average, it might take a year, but students can complete it faster or take a bit longer based on their circumstances.

Exams for distance learners at Matric College are conducted at designated examination centres. Students would need to register for their exams and select an examination centre convenient for them.

We provide a range of study materials, including textbooks, online resources, and past exam papers. We also offer access to tutors and support teams to assist students throughout their studies.

Author Name: Lynnzelle Adams
Editor: Caitlin Roux
Date Published: December 12, 2023