How To Ace Matric As A Distance Learning Student

It is possible to ace your Matric exams. Putting in time and effort will help you with preparations for earning one of the most important qualifications in South Africa.

Are you in search of advice on how to pass Matric? The best tip that educational experts are giving Matric students is to spend their time wisely and not procrastinate.

Continue reading to find more tips and hacks on how to ace Matric as a distance learning student. 

Best Tips To Help You Ace Matric

Acing Matric does not only require studying. Here are our tips that will help you ace your Matric year:

  • Look after your physical health
  • Create a study schedule
  • Revise throughout the year
  • Find the learning style that best suits you

Look After Your Physical Health

Students who are well nourished, healthy, and fit are able to study better. They will have enough energy to get through the day and be able to retain information better.

Create A Study Schedule

If you are a full-time distance learning student, it will be easier for you to create a long-term study schedule to follow. Part-time students can also create a study schedule.

Planning your studies will enable you to make smart study choices, plan your breaks, and decide on which subjects you want to study for the day. There will also be an opportunity to allocate different amounts of time to each of your subjects.

Revise Throughout The Year

Studying small sections throughout your Matric year will prevent you from having to cram large sections of work closer to the time of your exam.

Find The Learning Style That Best Suits You

Studying in a way that you enjoy and in a way that works for you will allow you to make the most of your studies. You will also stay motivated, express a willingness to learn, and look forward to your next study session.

How Can I Mentally Prepare For Matric?

Here are our top four tips you can use to mentally prepare for Matric:

1. Set Study Goals For Yourself

When you have study goals set out, it will help you visualise where you want to be academically and how you are going to get there. Doing this will also make the studying experience pleasant for you.

2. Begin Your Preparations Early

If you do not start preparing for your exam well in advance, it may lead to cramming. Trying to cram information in closer to the time of your exam may cause panic and stress, which is not good for your mental well-being. We recommend starting your study sessions early in the year so that you will have enough time to prepare.

3. Create A Pleasant Study Space

If you study in a comfortable and safe environment, you will be happier. According to statistics, students who are happier are more motivated to learn and are more likely to be successful.

4. Do Daily Journal Entries

There are a number of benefits you can get from journaling your thoughts and feelings, all of which will help you prepare your mind for Matric. You will have the opportunity to:

  • Practice positive self-talk
  • Be creative and think critically
  • Enhance your self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • Gain self-confidence
  • Put your goals into words that you can see, read, and visualise
  • Improve your mental health

Journaling your study sessions can also help you stay motivated and make the most of them.

How Many Hours Should I Study For If I Am In Matric?

There is no set amount of hours that a Matric student should study for, but we recommend that you study for at least 6 hours per day.

If you are studying while you are working, and it is not possible for you to study for 6 hours on weekdays, we recommend that you do not end your day without learning at least one new thing.

When you have free time after work or even during lunch breaks, you can also read through your study material and make notes.

How Can I Get Matric Easily?

There is no easy way to get your Matric, but that does not mean that it is difficult either.

In order to pass Matric, you will need to put in the required time to study and prepare for your final exam.

How Can I Get 7 Distinctions In Matric?

You can get seven distinctions in Matric by following the study tips we have listed above. They will help you prepare for your Matric exam.

Another tip we have it to stay calm as your exam period approaches. If you prepared well in advance and are confident in your preparation, you will be able to get seven distinctions in Matric.

Read our article on 10 Top Tips To Pass Matric With Distinctions for more information on how to get seven distinctions in Matric.

Is 70% A Distinction In Matric?

No, it is not. You will get a distinction in Matric if you get 80% or more for your subjects in Matric.

Although 70% is not a distinction, it is still a good mark to achieve.

What Are Good Marks In Matric?

Anything above 50% is a good mark. While 50% is acceptable, it is always better to aim for 80% to 100% so that you can gain admission into a university or college if you plan on furthering your studies after Matric.

Below you can find the different marks and a description of their achievement.

Percentage achievedDescription of the achievementCode
80% – 100%Outstanding Achievement7
70% – 79%Meritorious Achievement6
60% – 69%Substantial Achievement5
50% – 59%Adequate Achievement4
40% – 49%Moderate Achievement3
30% – 39%Elementary Achievement2
0% – 29%Not Achieved1

Is Distance Learning Stressful?

Distance learning is not stressful, if anything it is stress-free. Here are some of the reasons why distance learning is stress-free:

  • It is flexible – You can control, when to study, where to study, when to study and how to study 
  • Cut Costs – You can cut costs on the following:
    • Tuition fees – lower that of contact learning
    • Textbooks – These and study notes are provided by Matric College
    • Transport – No classes to attend
    • Teas and lunches – No school breaks as you are not attending any classes
  • Learn and study at once – this has the added advantage of gaining experience if you are working in your area of study
  • Hone skills – You can hone the following skills by studying through distance learning:
    • Time management skills 
    • Communication skills
    • Teamwork
    • Computer skills

How Many Matrics Passed In 2022?

The national Matric pass rate in South Africa for the 2022 academic year was 80.1%. This means that 580,555 Matriculants passed the National Senior Certificate Exam in 2022.

Once you ace your Matric exam in 2023, you will also be able to contribute to the national pass rate figure. 

Author: Tammy Fredericks
Editor: Vimbainashe Chabata
Date Published: February 20, 2023