Can I Rewrite Grade 12 With Different Subjects?

Deciding on improving Grade 12 results opens doors to more opportunities. With a Grade 12 Upgrade course, you can choose different subjects over your old ones.

Choosing the right subjects in Grade 12 is crucial as it lays the foundation for your future academic and career goals. However, there may be circumstances where you might consider the option of rewriting some or all of your Grade 12 subjects. This raises the question, can you rewrite Grade 12 with different subjects? The answer is yes, and Matric College offers a structured Matric Upgrade Course to assist you in this endeavour.

Does Matric College Offer Grade 12 Rewrite?

Yes, Matric College provides a Grade 12 upgrade program. Our upgrade program is designed for students aiming to enhance their matriculation scores. By enrolling in the Matric Rewrite programme, students can work towards improving their subjects. 

After achieving the desired improvements, you will be awarded a certificate through Umalusi. This will result in a final Matric Certificate that reflects their best scores.

What Is The Matric Upgrade Course Offered At Matric College?

If you are considering improving your matric results, Matric College offers a Matric Upgrade Course that can help you achieve your goals. This course is designed to provide you with an opportunity to enhance your matric certificate.

The Matric Upgrade Course at Matric College allows you to revisit and improve your grade 12 results in a supportive and structured environment. After the upgrade, Umalusi combines the scores, ensuring the Matric Certificate showcases only the best results.

You can combine your results by going to the DBE and requesting that our results be combined.


Matric Upgrade

Matric Rewrite

Course Name

Amended Senior Certificate

Matric Rewrite

Certificate Type

Senior Certificate

National Senior Certificate (NSC)

Issued By



Award Type

Senior Certificate

National Senior Certificate (NSC) and a Programme Completion Certificate

NQF Level

Level 4

Level 4







Entry Requirements

Incomplete matric results or Complete results needing improvement

Incomplete Matric results, Failed Matric results, or Results that need improvement


Freedom to select subjects for enhancement

You can only rewrite the subjects you choose for your first attempt

Who Is Eligible To Enrol In The Matric Upgrade Course?

The Matric Upgrade Course is open to students who have previously completed their grade 12 but wish to improve their results. Whether you want to pursue further studies or boost your career prospects, enrolling in this course at Matric College can be a valuable opportunity for you.

What Are The Objectives Of The Matric Upgrade Course?

The primary objective of the Matric Upgrade Course is to help you achieve improved results in your Grade 12 subjects. By revisiting and relearning the material, you will have a chance to raise your overall matriculation score.

How Is The Matric Upgrade Course Structured?

The Matric Upgrade Course at Matric College is thoughtfully structured to give you the best chance at success. Here is a more detailed look at its components:

  1. Enrol with Matric College
  2. You will receive your study materials via courier
  3. Join the WhatsApp study groups provided by Matric College
  4. Submit your assignments and await feedback
  5. Prepare for your exams using the past papers provided
  6. Ensure you register for your exams, which typically open in October
  7. Participate in the online prep sessions offered
  8. Sit for your exams in May and June, or depending on when you registered
  9. Reach out to DBE to combine your results 
  10. Wait for Umalusi to get your certificate ready 
  11. Finally, collect your new and improved matric certificate

What Subjects Are Offered In The Matric Upgrade Course?

Matric College provides different subjects for you to choose from when upgrading your matric certificate. Whether you need to improve your scores in mathematics, science, languages, or any other subject, you will find options that cater to your specific academic needs. This flexibility allows you to focus on the subjects that matter most to you and align with your future goals.

How Are The Subjects Taught?

The subjects in the Matric Upgrade Course are created by experienced and dedicated experts who understand the importance of your academic journey. The method of teaching is through distance learning. 

While you will not need to attend classes in any form. You are encouraged to participate in discussions and reach out to tutors. This will be a great aid in helping you pass your exams.

What Is The Duration Of The Matric Upgrade Course?

The duration of the Matric Upgrade Course is flexible and can be customised based on your specific requirements. It is important to discuss your academic goals and timeline with our Matric College support team, who can assist in creating a personalised study plan. 

Whether you need an intensive short-term program or a more extended course, they will work with you to ensure your success. It is however recommended that you complete our Grade 12 courses in at least 12 months. This could ensure that you understand your subjects better, unrushed.

How Is The Progress Of Students Monitored?

Your progress throughout the Matric Upgrade Course is closely monitored to track your development and provide timely support. Regular assessments, tests, and assignments are used to gauge your understanding of the subjects and identify areas where additional help may be needed.

At Matric College, we are committed to your success and will offer guidance and feedback to help you continually improve. By understanding the structure of our Matric Upgrade Course, you can make informed decisions about your academic journey. 

Why Should You Consider Rewriting Grade 12?

To begin with, it is essential to understand that there can be various motivations for you to consider rewriting Grade 12. Rewriting Grade 12 can offer several advantages, such as the following examples:

  • Improvement In Your Academic Performance
  • Expanded Knowledge Base
  • Alignment With Your Career Goals
  • Increased University Options
  • Personal Growth
  • Second Chances 
  • Competitive Advantage 

Improvement In Your Academic Performance

If you did not achieve satisfactory results in your initial attempt at Grade 12, rewriting allows you a chance to improve your grades. This can have a positive impact on your overall academic record and future opportunities.

Expanded Knowledge Base

You can gain a better understanding of the subjects you previously wrote. This can broaden your knowledge and skills and add to improving your results

Alignment With Your Career Goals

Sometimes, you may realise what you missed in your initial year. Rewriting Grade 12 subjects provides an opportunity to realign your education with your goals. Realising the subjects you struggle with can indicate what further educational options are best suited to your strengths.

Increased University Options

Some universities and colleges have specific subject requirements for admission. Rewriting Grade 12 with the required subjects can make you eligible for a wider range of higher education institutions.

Personal Growth

The process of rewriting Grade 12 can be a valuable experience for your personal growth and development. It teaches resilience, determination, and the importance of hard work.

Second Chances

Life circumstances can sometimes interfere with your academic performance during the first attempt at Grade 12. Rewriting provides you with a second chance to overcome challenges and succeed academically.

Competitive Advantage

Better grades in Grade 12 can give you a competitive edge when applying for scholarships, bursaries, or job opportunities.

How Can Rewriting Grade 12 Enhance Future Academic And Career Prospects?

Rewriting Grade 12 with Matric College is a strategic move towards a brighter future. When you choose to rewrite, you give yourself a second chance to achieve better marks, which can directly influence your eligibility for top-tier universities or colleges. With improved scores, you can unlock courses or fields of study that might have previously been out of reach. 

From a career perspective, better matriculation results can make your CV stand out to potential employers, showcasing your dedication and commitment to excellence.  At Matric College we believe that by rewriting Grade 12, you are laying a stronger foundation for both academic pursuits and future career opportunities, ensuring you are well-placed to seize the best that the future has to offer.

What Are The Long-Term Benefits Of Rewriting Grade 12?

When you decide to rewrite Grade 12 you are investing in your long-term future. Rewriting Grade 12 offers you a chance to significantly enhance your academic credentials. As you improve your grades, you create a strong foundation for your future educational and career pursuits. 

Here is how rewriting Grade 12 provides you with long-term benefits: 

  • Higher education opportunities
  • You will have more options to choose from when pursuing higher education
  • Rewriting Grade 12 can lead to better career prospects
  • By rewriting Grade 12 and achieving better results, you increase your chances of landing your desired job
  • increased earning potential
  • Rewriting Grade 12 can also contribute to your personal development

As you pursue higher education after rewriting Grade 12, you can connect with peers, professors, and professionals in your field, which can be beneficial for your long-term career growth. 

How Does Rewriting Grade 12 Prepare Students For Tertiary Education?

Rewriting Grade 12 not only helps you improve your academic performance but also serves as a valuable preparation for tertiary education. 

First and foremost, rewriting Grade 12 ensures that you have a solid academic foundation before entering tertiary education. This additional year of study helps you strengthen your knowledge and skills in key subjects, making you better prepared for the academic challenges of college or university. 

Here are more specific ways rewriting aid tertiary education: 

  • When you rewrite Grade 12, you have the opportunity to refine your time management abilities, which will be crucial for balancing coursework, assignments, and extracurricular activities in college or university
  • The experience of rewriting Grade 12 also encourages the development of good study habit
  • Success in tertiary education requires self-discipline, and by committing to rewriting Grade 12 and working diligently to improve your grades, you cultivate the discipline needed to excel in higher education
  • Rewriting Grade 12 allows you to revisit subjects that may be important for your chosen field of study
  • Achieving better results through Grade 12 rewriting can boost your confidence

Rewriting Grade 12 serves as a valuable preparation for tertiary education by enhancing academic readiness, time management skills, study habits, self-discipline, subject knowledge, and confidence. 

What Challenges And Strategies Are There For Rewriting Grade 12 Subjects?

Rewriting Grade 12 subjects can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavour. It means redoing subjects you failed or need improvement. Occasionally, anxiety may be one of the emotions students might experience at the thought of rewriting, but Matric College believes that this is a great opportunity to get better results. 

What Are The Challenges That Come With Rewriting Grade 12 Subjects?

Choosing to rewrite subjects is a better idea than not completing your Grade 12 with the best results. This could do more good than bad. During this time, you might be faced with some challenges during rewriting your Grade 12 subjects. Take a look at some examples: 

    • Time Constraints: Rewriting Grade 12 often means catching up on missed coursework and preparing for exams in a condensed timeframe. Time management can be a significant challenge
    • Motivation: Staying motivated throughout the rewriting process, especially when you have already completed the coursework once, can be tough
    • Subject Mastery: Some students may need to tackle subjects they previously struggled with, which can be daunting

How Can I Limit Exam Pressure?

Preparing for exams can be stressful, particularly when aiming for improved results.

Strategies. Here are some tips you could consider when you are faced with the exams:

  • Create A Study Schedule
  • Set Clear Goals
  • Seek Support
  • Practice Past Papers
  • Stay Positive
  • Take Breaks

Rewriting Grade 12 subjects comes with its share of challenges, but with effective time management, clear goals, support, practice, a positive mindset, and self-care, you can overcome these challenges and achieve the academic success you aspire to.

How Can I Reduce Stress And Anxiety While Rewriting Grade 12 Subjects?

Successfully managing stress and anxiety is crucial for academic success, especially when rewriting Grade 12 subjects. Here are some straightforward and effective strategies:

  • Prioritise subjects based on difficulty for a balanced workload
  • Take regular breaks and use relaxation techniques like deep breathing or short walks
  • Ensure a balanced diet and adequate sleep for overall well-being
  • Break study tasks into smaller steps, focusing on one subject at a time to build confidence and reduce overwhelm
  • Practise mindfulness and meditation to stay present and reduce worries about past or future performances
  • Remember, rewriting Grade 12 is a temporary challenge. Keep long-term goals in mind and view setbacks as part of the learning process

What Resources Are Available To Help Me Prepare For Rewriting Grade 12 Subjects?

Preparing for Grade 12 rewriting requires access to various resources to support your study efforts. Here are a few resources available to help you excel in your efforts:

  • Textbooks And Study Guides
  • Educational Websites
  • Study Groups
  • Tutoring Services

Textbooks And Study Guides

Matric College will provide you with textbooks or study guides for your chosen subjects. Additionally, you could visit your local library for additional textbooks and study guides specific to the subjects you are rewriting.  

There are online libraries available as well, that are open source for free access. These resources can provide comprehensive content and practice questions.

Educational Websites

Websites like SparkNotes and CliffsNotes provide summaries and analyses of literary works, helping with English and literature subjects. These can come in handy if you need to get an overview of certain topics.

Study Groups

Forming or joining study groups with classmates can provide peer support and opportunities for collaborative learning. Discussing subjects and solving problems together can deepen your understanding. At Matric College, we encourage our students to interact with each other and discuss topics to better understand them.

Tutoring Services

Reach out to the tutoring services made available at Matric College. Consider seeking assistance from a qualified tutor, particularly for subjects you find challenging. Seeking help immediately is recommended, the longer you wait, you may be wasting time you could have used to focus on other topics.

How Can I Find A Tutor Or Mentor To Help Me With Rewriting Grade 12 Subjects?

With us, you will have access to great tutor services as part of your student fees. On our website, you can either find buttons that will direct you to a form to get in touch with a course expert. Or you could get in touch directly via call, to find out more about our services.

What Are Some Tips For Preparing For Grade 12 Exams When Rewriting Subjects?

Preparing for Grade 12 exams while rewriting subjects requires focused effort and effective strategies. Here are some valuable steps to help you succeed in your exam preparations:

Step 1: Review The Syllabus And Exam Format

Begin your preparation by thoroughly reviewing the syllabus for each subject you are upgrading. Understand the exam format to get an idea of what to expect, which will help you focus your study efforts more effectively. 

Step 2: Create A Structured Study Schedule

Develop a detailed study schedule that dedicates sufficient time to each subject. Arrange your study topics in order of difficulty and allocate time accordingly to ensure mastery of each area.

Step 3: Practice With Past Papers

Regularly practice with past exam papers and sample questions. This not only familiarises you with the question formats but also enhances your exam-taking strategies.

Step 4: Seek Guidance When Needed

Do not hesitate to ask for help. Reach out to teachers, tutors, or mentors for clarification or assistance on challenging topics. Their expertise can provide you with a deeper understanding and clearer insights.

Step 5: Focus On Key Concepts

Concentrate on grasping the fundamental concepts instead of mere memorisation. Employ active learning techniques like summarising information, teaching concepts to others, or creating study aids such as flashcards.

Step 6: Organise Your Study Materials

Keep your study materials organised. Use folders, notebooks, or digital tools to systematically arrange your notes, study guides, and resources for each subject.

Step 7: Implement Stress-Reduction Techniques

Adopt stress-reduction strategies like mindfulness or meditation. Ensure you get enough sleep and maintain a healthy diet to support your mental well-being during your study period.

Step 8: Set And Celebrate Small Goals

Break your overall study objectives into smaller, manageable tasks. Acknowledge and celebrate each small victory to keep yourself motivated and maintain a positive outlook.

Step 9: Time Management During Exams

Practice taking mock exams within the set time limit to improve your time management skills during the actual exam, ensuring you can complete all questions.

Step 10: Prioritise Health

Never neglect your physical and mental health. Engage in regular physical activity, eat healthily, and get plenty of rest to boost your brain function and stamina.

Step 11: Review Material Regularly

Periodically go over the material you have already studied to reinforce your memory and understanding, which will aid in long-term retention.

Step 12: Maintain A Positive Mindset

Keep a positive attitude and visualise your success. Believing in your ability to succeed can significantly enhance your confidence and improve your performance in your exams.

How Can I Develop Effective Study Habits And Improve My Learning Strategies While Rewriting Grade 12 Subjects?

Developing effective study habits and improving your learning strategies are crucial for success when rewriting Grade 12 subjects. To enhance your study habits and learning methods, consider the following strategies:

  • Establish a study area free from distractions with all necessary materials accessible
  • Set clear, attainable objectives for your Grade 12 upgrade to maintain motivation
  • Devise a detailed timetable, allotting adequate time to each subject for consistency
  • Employ summarising, teaching others, and creating flashcards to enhance understanding of the content
  • Utilise educational applications and online resources to augment your study routine
  • Consistently test yourself with quizzes and practice examinations to identify areas for improvement
  • Seek explanations from educators or classmates when confronted with difficult topics
  • Engage in collaborative learning for complex subjects to broaden your knowledge
  • Practise effective time management, balancing study with personal life for the best results
  • Keep motivated by visualising success and acknowledging every achievement
  • Ascertain whether you are a visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic learner and customise your study methods accordingly
  • Stay informed about the most recent course material and examination protocols

What Are Some Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle While Rewriting Grade 12 Subjects?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while rewriting Grade 12 subjects is crucial for your overall well-being and academic success. Take in some valuable tips to help you prioritise your health during this challenging period.

Nutritional Balance

Create a diet that is rich and varied, comprising fruits, vegetables, proteins from lean sources, grains in their whole form, and fats that are beneficial for health. Adequate nutrition is the cornerstone of both physical and mental health, providing the energy and nutrients necessary for your body and brain to function at their best.

Consistent Hydration

It is essential to drink a sufficient amount of water throughout the day to maintain hydration. Dehydration can lead to a decline in concentration and cognitive abilities, which are critical during study sessions.

Incorporate Regular Exercise

Integrate physical activity into your daily routine. Exercise not only boosts your mood and reduces stress but also contributes to overall health improvements. Even short, daily exercises or brisk walks can have significant benefits.

Sleep Is Fundamental

Make it a priority to get between seven and nine hours of restful sleep each night. Sleep plays a vital role in memory consolidation and the ability to learn, making it indispensable for academic success.

Stress Management Techniques

Use stress-reduction strategies such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or mindfulness practices. These techniques can help in effectively managing stress levels, which is particularly important during periods of intense study.

Time Management Skills

Manage your time efficiently to prevent the need for last-minute cramming sessions. Develop a study schedule that includes regular breaks to rejuvenate the mind and prevent academic burnout.

Social Engagement

Maintain connections with friends and family. A robust support system is invaluable for emotional support and can provide a sense of relaxation amidst the rigours of academic pursuits.

Screen Time Reduction

Limit the amount of time spent in front of screens, particularly before going to bed. The blue light emitted from screens can interfere with natural sleep patterns, making it harder to fall asleep.

Mindful Snacking

Opt for snacks that contribute to your health, such as nuts, fruits, or yoghurt, and avoid excessive consumption of foods high in sugar or processed ingredients that can lead to energy spikes and crashes.

Organisational Practices

Keep your study area and materials organised. An orderly space can help reduce stress levels and increase your productivity by making it easier to find what you need when you need it.

Goal Setting

Establish realistic study goals and break down your workload into smaller, more manageable tasks. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, to maintain motivation.

Leisure And Recreation

Allocate time for hobbies and interests outside of studying. Engaging in activities you enjoy can provide a break from studying and contribute to overall well-being.

Moderation Of Stimulants

While caffeine can offer a temporary boost in energy, excessive intake can lead to restlessness and disrupt your sleep cycle. Similarly, limit your intake of sugary beverages and snacks that can lead to sudden drops in energy levels.

Positive Mindset

Maintain an optimistic outlook and concentrate on the progress you have made. Practice self-kindness and refrain from harsh self-criticism. It is crucial to remember that a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for academic achievement and foundational for your long-term health and happiness. Prioritise self-care and make a concerted effort to balance your studies with a healthy and fulfilling life.

How To Choose The Right Subjects In Grade 12 To Avoid Rewriting Or Amending Results

You can only rewrite the subject you choose in your first attempt. Therefore, deciding to rewrite Grade 12 with different subjects is not an option. Here are tips for choosing the right subjects to avoid having to rewrite or amend results: 

  • By opting for subjects that align better with your strengths, interests, or future aspirations, you can maximise your potential and open up new opportunities
  • When you select subjects that resonate more with your interests and strengths, you are likely to perform better
  • Choose subjects that are more relevant to your career path. This ensures that you are better prepared for tertiary studies or vocational training in that field

Why Should You Carefully Consider Subject Choices?

Universities often have specific subject requirements for certain courses. Choosing weighted subjects can increase your chances of gaining admission to the course of your choice. Here are some additional points to consider: 

  • Personal Satisfaction
  • Flexibility In Future Choices
  • Enhanced Skill Set

Personal Satisfaction

There is a sense of fulfilment in pursuing subjects you are genuinely passionate about. This personal satisfaction can lead to a more engaged and enjoyable learning experience for you.

Flexibility In Future Choices

Having a diverse subject combination can provide you with flexibility in future academic and career choices. It ensures that you are not limited to a particular path and can explore various opportunities.

Enhanced Skill Set

Different subjects equip you with different skills. By diversifying your subjects, you are broadening your skill set, making you a more versatile and well-rounded individual. The skills you receive can be unique to future career options.

Why Are Specific Subjects Important For Career Progression?

Certain careers require specific subjects as prerequisites for further education. By upgrading to include these subjects, you can ensure that you meet the necessary criteria, thus streamlining your journey towards your chosen profession.

How Does Subject Diversity Influence Career Decision-Making?

Gaining knowledge in various subjects can offer you a clearer insight into multiple industries and sectors. This comprehensive understanding is crucial when making well-informed decisions about your career direction, allowing you to decide on a path that resonates with your interests and strengths.

What Course Allows You To Write Different Grade 12 Subjects?

Matric College offers the ideal solution with its Matric Upgrade course. This flexible program is specifically tailored for those who desire to rewrite different Grade 12 subjects, whether to improve grades or add to their subject list. 

With the Matric Upgrade course, you have the opportunity to rewrite your narrative and open new doors to higher education and professional growth.

What Does The Matric Upgrade Course Offer?

Matric College presents a comprehensive Matric Upgrade course for individuals aiming to enhance their Grade 12 results. This program is meticulously designed to offer a second opportunity for those aspiring to improve their grades, introduce new subjects, or completely alter their subject selections. 

It caters to various academic goals, whether it is to secure a higher pass level, fulfil university entrance criteria, or conquer previously failed subjects, the Matric Upgrade course is custom-fitted to support your educational aspirations.

How Flexible Is The Matric Upgrade Course?

The Matric Upgrade course is delivered via distance learning, providing a flexible study arrangement that can be seamlessly integrated with your current obligations. It offers a diverse selection of subjects, ranging from mandatory courses like Mathematics and English to elective ones such as Physical Sciences and Accounting. 

This flexibility allows you to tailor your educational journey to align with your prospective objectives.

Is The Matric Upgrade Course Recognised And Accredited?

Upon successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a National Certificate through Umalusi, validating your hard work and opening doors to further educational pursuits or career advancements.

How Can Different Subjects Better Align With Students’ Career Goals?

Upgrading to different subjects during your Grade 12 education can be a strategic step towards aligning your academic achievements with your career aspirations. Different subjects can provide you with a broader skill set that is applicable across various career paths. 

For example, if you initially focused solely on science subjects but later realised your passion lies in business or the arts, choosing different subjects can equip you with skills and knowledge relevant to those fields.

Why Is Upgrading Subjects A Strategic Career Move?

Upgrading to different subjects as part of your Grade 12 education is a wise decision that can enhance your educational background to support your career objectives. It equips you with a versatile skill set, fulfils specific career prerequisites, broadens your industry knowledge, and enhances your adaptability in the workforce. 

This approach not only aligns with your career goals but also sets a foundation for a successful and rewarding professional life.

What Impact Can Different Subjects Have On Grade 12 Results?

Upgrading to different subjects can introduce a fresh set of challenges and opportunities. If you found certain subjects difficult during your initial Grade 12 year, choosing to upgrade in areas where you have a stronger interest or aptitude could lead to enhanced results. 

This shift enables you to concentrate on subjects that align more closely with your abilities and interests, potentially boosting your overall academic performance.

Does Interest In Upgraded Subjects Affect Student Motivation And Engagement?

Yes, the subjects you decide to upgrade can also affect your level of motivation and engagement. When you are passionate about the subjects you are studying, your drive to excel is naturally higher. This heightened enthusiasm can translate into more dedicated study efforts, improved grades, and a more fulfilling educational experience.

Can Upgrading To Less Demanding Subjects Reduce Stress And Improve Results?

The understanding of the difficulty of subjects varies. Choosing to upgrade in subjects considered less demanding may alleviate stress, allowing you to focus more effectively on your studies and, as a result, achieve higher grades. 

However, selecting subjects that are considered easy, may not always be in line with your future goals. Always be sure to choose subjects that are in line with your long-term goals. 

How Do Grade Criteria And Exam Formats Influence The Choice Of Upgraded Subjects?

The grading criteria and exam formats differ among subjects. By upgrading subjects that play to your strengths and learning preferences, you can leverage these variations to your advantage, potentially improving your scores.

No matter how easy or understandable a subject may be, it is always best to prepare yourself by studying and doing revision frequently.

What Are The Overall Benefits Of Strategically Upgrading Grade 12 Subjects?

Upgrading different subjects for your Grade 12 can have a profound impact on your academic results. It offers a chance to enhance performance through tailored subject choices, increased motivation, stress reduction, and strategic alignment with your learning strengths. Making this informed choice can be a decisive step towards achieving your academic goals.

At Matric College, we welcome students who want to move forward regardless of previous results. The resources and support we offer could be strong aids when used to pass your exams.

People Also Ask

Yes, a Matric Upgrade allows you to improve your Grade 12 marks by rewriting specific subjects.

There is no specific limit on the number of attempts; however, it is advisable to consult with the specific institution or board for any guidelines. Registration for your exams is also to be considered. 

Failing Grade 12 can limit immediate access to tertiary education and certain career paths. However, options like Matric Upgrade or vocational training are available.

Yes, rewriting specific subjects can help meet the entry requirements of certain university courses.

Choose subjects based on your career goals, university requirements, and personal strengths or interests.

At Matric College we provide tutoring services, past exam papers, study groups, and online resources that can aid in preparation.

Yes, many institutions offer online courses and resources for Grade 12 rewriting. We provide a rewrite course at Matric College. You will however have seated exams at test centres that are registered with the Department of Education.

Rewriting can improve academic records, increase university admission chances, and align education with career goals.

Create a study schedule, set clear goals, take regular breaks, and prioritise subjects based on exam dates and personal strengths.

Regular exercise, adequate sleep, mindfulness practices, and seeking support from peers, tutors, or counsellors can help.

Author Name: Lynnzelle Adams
Editor: Caitlin Roux 
Date Published: December 11, 2023