The Value of an Extra Year of Studying

Studying after Matric is important as it gives you more skills, knowledge and a qualification. You can use the qualification you earn to find employment.

Finding employment in South Africa is not easy. You must have certain skills in order to get employed. One of these “skills” includes being educated. Employers want candidates who have higher-level qualifications. 

There is value in adding an extra year of studies to your Matric Qualification. This will award you with a qualification that is high and valued by employers. This increases your chances of getting employed. 

If you want to add an extra year or more, you can study at Matric College. These are the courses you can study with a Matric Qualification: 

Besides Matric College, you can also study through the following colleges: 

  • Ember Academy

Ember Academy is a distance learning institution that offers courses for students who have not completed Grade 12. These courses, are scarce skills courses that can definitely help you find employment because the skills you gain are in demand.

  • Skills Academy

Skills Academy is a distance learning intuition that offers courses that do not need Matric. Find their courses here.

Is It Important To Continue Your Studies After School?

Yes, you should continue your studies after High School. You will need to have knowledge and skills to either start a business or find employment. You can only get these qualities through studying. 

Having high qualifications allows you to be trusted by a wide range of people. This helps you to easily get the attention of employers, business investors or potential customers. People can easily trust services that come from a person who has a qualification because they believe you are educated in your field.

What Is The Value Of Learning In Your Life?

Learning is valuable because it provides you with skills and knowledge. Your everyday life is guided by knowledge and skills. For example, you can read a text message or operate a gadget because you have reading and technical skills which you acquired through learning (education). 

There are people who cannot read or use gadgets because they are not educated. This is why it is important that each person has an education in their lives. The skills and knowledge you gain through education help you function more effectively.

Watch, Jan Badenhorst, The Principal Of Matric College, Explain The Value Of An Extra Year Of Studying

What Are The Benefits Of Further Studies?

Furthering your studies through a college or university increases your skills and knowledge. In addition, you are awarded a qualification when you complete a course. You can use this in finding work or starting a business. Below are the benefits you earn by furthering your studies:  

You Earn Employment 

Furthering your studies at a college or university will provide you with high qualifications. This depends on the type of course you do. You can earn one or more of the following types of qualifications: 

Having a qualification serves as proof to the employer that you have indeed studied to acquire the skills and knowledge you have. This way, they trust that you have obtained the relevant qualities. This raises your opportunities of getting employed. 

People Respect You 

People respect individuals that are educated. Having a high qualification will help you earn respect from your family members, friends, and employers. When you speak, people will listen to you because they trust that the information you are saying is valid. You will be more confident in yourself by earning respect through your education. 

Your Salary Is Higher 

If you have a qualification, you automatically have a better chance of earning twice as much as the person without a qualification. Employers will pay you more if you have qualifications. However, you should note that each company is different. 

You may earn an entry-level salary for your first employment opportunity. The more work experience you gain, the higher your salary will become. 

Become A Business Person 

Depending on the type of course you study at college or university, you may be able to start a business. For example, if you study an ICB Course at Matric College, you will obtain business-based skills and knowledge. You can use these skills and knowledge to either open a business or find work opportunities. 

Tips When Furthering Your Studies

  • Research the institution where you want to study 
    • Look at their review pages and read the comments 
    • Visit Hello Peter to see if this institution has a good reputation 
  • Make sure you have the correct marks to study at the college or university 

Study to gain your qualifications and build your career

Is Education A Key To A Successful Future?

Yes, you have heard it many times. Education is the key to a successful future. This is because education equips you with skills and knowledge which help you advance yourself. When you have skills and knowledge, you can do the following: 

Why Are Skills Important?

Skills are important because they can be used for a variety of tasks, such as: 

  • Opening a business 
  • Managing a company 
  • Solving problems that people have 
  • Locating potential business locations
  • Creating brilliant ideas 
  • Advancing products

How Does A Gap Year Impact Your Life?

A gap year can affect your life positively or negatively depending on what you do during this time. If you want a gap year to have a positive impact on your life, you must do productive things with it. Below is a table to show you how you can spend your gap year positively:

Positive ways to spend a gap year 

Negative ways to spend a gap year 

Learn an important skill 

Spend time texting with friends

Advance a talent/gift 

Sleep all day 

Volunteer to gain work experience 

Watch TV 

Improve Matric results 


Start a business 

House chores not being done

Learn a new language 

Spend money unnecessarily 


Do Universities Like Students Who Took Gap Years?

Yes, universities like students who take gap years because they help them rest from school. When they have completed their gap year, they feel ready to study. Universities also advise students to use their gap year to improve Matric results. This way, students can get access to study at university.

Where Can I Further My Education?

You can further your education at Matric College. Your Matric Certificate can be used to study for the following courses:

NATED Courses 

Study our NATED Courses to obtain practical skills and knowledge that will help you get employment. These are the courses you can choose from: 

ICB Courses 

Enrol in our ICB Courses and gain knowledge and skills that are in demand in South Africa. This will help you find employment. Here are the ICB Courses you can choose from: 

Short Courses 

Choose to study one of our Short Courses and gain a set of skills that can be used in opening a business or finding employment. These are the Short Courses you can enrol for: 

At Matric College, you can study to gain a valuable qualification. Come and add an extra year of studying to create better opportunities for your career. 

This article is an updated version of one published on the 7th of February 2017. See the original article here.

Author: Mulisa Nethobnonda
Editor: Sive Ncanywa
Date: August 17 , 2022