Matric Symbols And Levels

It is important to know what Matric symbols mean because it will be easier for you to understand when you receive your Matric or Matric Rewrite results.

Matric symbols and levels are a way of determining what your Matric results are like. Each symbol and level denotes a certain level of achievement in your in Matric year. The symbols you receive plays an important role in determining your eligibility for:

  • The university or college you want to attend
  • Any tertiary qualification you want to study
  • A specific career path 

What Is A Level 5 In Matric?

A level 5 or “code” 5 in Matric is a Point Score better known as the Admission Point Score (APS) that you will have achieved when you score between 60 – 69%. The table below shows the full list of the Matric Admission Point Scores:

780 – 100
670 – 79
560 – 69
450 – 59
340 – 49
230 – 39
10 – 29

What Is Symbol “B” In Matric Results?

Symbol “B” in Matric results may differentiate depending on what you are asking for. The “B” in some cases is referred to the Matric pass, “Bachelor’s Pass”. However, the symbol could also represent a range of percentage in your results. Here are the differences:

  • The symbol could refer to a student receiving a mark between 60% to 69% (if using symbols A+ to F)
  • The symbol “B” could be referring to a mark between 70% to 79% (If using the symbols A to FF)

Keep in mind that symbols do not always represent the same thing. It is therefore important to compare and stay up to date!

What Does HG And SG Stand For?

High credit subjects are the subjects that are necessary for university admissions. Consider them the subjects that decide what course you can apply for. The following subjects are High Grade/Credit subjects:

Which Subjects Are High Grade/Credit Subjects?

The following subjects are High Grade/Credit subjects:


  • Afrikaans
  • English
  • IsiNdebele
  • isiXhosa
  • IsiZulu
  • Sepedi
  • Sesotho
  • Setswana
  • Siswati
  • Tshivenda
  • Xitsonga


  • Accounting
  • Agricultural Science
  • Business Studies
  • Consumer Studies
  • Dramatic Arts
  • Economics
  • Engineering Graphics and Design
  • Geography
  • History
  • Information Technology
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics Literacy
  • Music
  • Physical Sciences
  • Religion Studies
  • Visual Arts

What Does 777 Mean In College Results?

In Matric results, 777 means that there is an outstanding mark. In this case, you could have written the subject, but, for some reason, the mark for that subject will still be outstanding pending an investigation. Here are the other Matric symbols/codes and their meaning:

888Subject change
777Outstanding mark
zzEnding (irregularity)
pxNull and void
moMarks outstanding

What Are The 4 Types Of Certificates You Can Get In Matric?

Here are the 4 types of Certificates that you can get in Matric:

  1. Bachelors Degree Pass
  2. Diploma Pass
  3. Higher Certificate Pass
  4. National Senior Certificate Pass

Bachelors Degree Pass

To achieve this Matric Pass Level, you need to meet these marks: 

  • 40% for your Home Language
  • 50% for four other Higher Credit subjects
  • 30% for two other subjects

How Many Points Is A Bachelor's Degree Pass?

A Bachelor’s Degree Pass is a minimum APS of 23. Here are the minimum APS for all the Matric Pass Levels:

Bachelor’s Degree Pass 23 
Diploma Pass19
Higher Certificate Pass15
National Senior Certificate Pass14

Diploma Pass

You need to meet these marks, if you want to qualify for this Matric Pass Level

  • 40% for your Home Language
  • 40% for four other High Credit subjects
  • 30% for two other subjects 

Higher Certificate Pass

While this pass may not guarantee you entry into a degree or diploma course. There are still institutions that may accept this pass. To receive this Matric level pass, you must have the following results: 

  • 40% for your Home Language
  • 40% for two other subjects
  • 30% for three other subjects

National Senior Certificate Pass

To achieve this Matric Pass Level, you need to meet these marks: 

  • Pass (4) four subjects with 40%. Of these, one should be a home language.
  • Pass at least (2) two subjects with 30%
  • You are allowed to fail (1) one subject

How Much Do Matric Finals Count?

Your final Matric exam count for 75% of the total mark. All the class work, assignments, tests and exams you do throughout the year before the final exams consist of 25% of your final mark. These are known as School-Based Assessments (SBA).

Where Can I Study NATED Courses?

You can study NATED Courses at Matric College. Matric College is a distance learning college. With a distance learning college, you do not have to attend any classes. You will get all the necessary support, studying in the comfort of your home. Here are the other courses that you can study at Matric College:

Can I Study N4 With Matric?

Yes, you can study for an N4 Certificate if you have passed Matric. N Levels are specific to NATED Courses. Here are the NATED Courses that you can study with Matric:

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No, N3 is not the same as Grade 12. However, N3 is at the same National Qualification Framework (NQF) Level as Grade 12. The NQF Level for both N3 and Grade 12 is NQF Level 4. The table below shows the N Levels and the NQF system and educational equivalence:

N1 National CertificateNQF Level 2Grade 10
N2 National CertificateNQF Level 3Grade 11
N3 National CertificateNQF Level 4Grade 12
N4 National CertificateNQF Level 5Certificate
N5 National CertificateNQF Level 5Certificate
N6 National CertificateNQF Level 5Certificate
N6 National DiplomaNQF Level 6Diploma

Each level represents an achievement. Ranging from, “not achieved” to “outstanding achievement”. Your APS scores also represents each level of achievement in the following way: 

  1. Level 1 = 0 – 29%
  2. Level 2 = 30 – 39%
  3. Level 3 = 40 – 49%
  4. Level 4 = 50 – 59%
  5. Level 5 = 60 – 69%
  6. Level 7 = 70 – 79%
  7. Level 8 = 80 – 100%

Matric is set at an NQF level of 4. This qualification can then be used to apply for tertiary qualifications that start at an NQF level 5. Matric Equivalent Courses are NQF 4 qualifications as well. 

Author: Collin Wilbesi
Editor: Sive Ncanywa
Date: August 19, 2022