How to de-stress after exams?

Distance learning is a learning method where you study from home. You can write your Matric through us and get assisted by our tutors while you study.

Writing exams can be very stressful. This is why it is essential that you de-stress after the exams. You can do different things to relieve your mind and body from stress. Below is a list of some methods you can use: 

  • Do something fun
  • Exercise 
  • Breathing techniques 
  • Relax
  • Be the fun kind of productive 
  • Hang out with friends

Do Something Fun

Engage in fun activities as a way to relieve yourself from exam stress. Having fun will create new memories in your mind. Thinking about these moments will help you de-stress. These are the fun activities you can do:

  • Play games on your phone 
  • Try board games 
  • Take pictures of yourself 
  • Plant flowers 
  • Watch the sunset 
  • Try a new skill, e.g. baking
  • Put together a puzzle
  • Listen to music 
  • Watch a movie


Exercising is one of the things that help with relieving stress. Your blood flows better when you exercise. This means that enough blood flows into your brain, and you will then have a clear mind and alert. This will relieve stress and make you feel relaxed. 

You can try exercises such as the following to de-stress

  • Jogging  
  • Walking
  • Lunges
  • Yoga
  • Dancing
  • Breath focus exercises

Breathing Techniques

Practise breathing techniques as a way to relieve stress. Allowing air to flow in your diaphragm can help release stress and anxiety. This is how you can breathe to relieve stress: 

  • Sit or stand in an open space where the air is flowing 
  • Take a deep breath through your nose 
  • Hold your breath for about four (4) seconds 
  • Release the air through your mouth slowly 

Do the above breathing techniques when you feel stressed. It will calm you down and help reduce your stress level.


Sometimes your body simply needs to rest to de-stress. You can do this by spending more time in your bed sleeping. This way, your body can recover from the sleeplessness you had while preparing for your exams. Make sure that you sleep for eight (8) hours to give your body the rest it needs. 

For even more relaxation, you can ask someone close to you to give you a body massage. You can also go to a therapist for a massage. This will further relax your body.

Be The Fun Kind Of Productive

You can relieve stress by being productive. When you are productive, you feel excited. If there is any sign of stress in your body, a hormone known as Serotonin will be released the moment you get excited. This hormone reduces your stress levels. 

Work on tasks that you are good at so that you can feel happy about your accomplishments. This way, your body releases more Serotonin and more stress will be reduced. 

For example, if you like helping people, and it makes you feel happy, then you can volunteer at an old age home.  You will not only make another person’s day brighter, but you will also be productive and happy.

Hang Out With Friends

Your friends will help you get your mind off things. You can spend time with them having conversations and engaging in fun activities. You can talk to them if you are stressed about your exam results. They will know how to calm you down.

What Are Symptoms Of Exam Stress?

There are different symptoms of exam stress. These are different for each person. Below is a list of the common exam stress symptoms that students experience: 

  • Mood swings 
  • Loss of appetite or overeating 
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Racing heartbeat 
  • Unmotivated to study

How To Reduce Stress And Anxiety During The Exams?

Exam stress can make you lose focus. You may have difficulty in concentrating while studying. To avoid exam stress, you must practise ways in which you stay calm during exam times. Here are a few tips to help: 

  • Tell yourself that you are okay 
  • Try breathing exercises 
  • Drink more water 
  • Eat healthier
  • Exercise
  • Watch motivational videos 
  • Ask a family member to check on you

Is It Normal To Feel Anxious After An Exam?

Yes, it is normal for you to feel anxious after a Matric exam. This happens to a lot of students. Being anxious is normal because you are worried about whether you are going to make it to university or not. However, you should not be stressed because this does not help in any way. 

If you want to feel better after an exam, you can think of what to do if you fail or pass Matric. Here are the options you can consider: 

Options if you pass Matric

Options If You Fail Matric

If you find out that you have failed your Matric, you do not need to worry. You will be able to build a bright future. Here are the options you can take if you have failed Matric

Study Matric again

Supplementary Exam

You can enrol for the supplementary exam if you failed Matric. This is a second chance for you to do better in your exams. You can study hard and smart in order to pass. Here are a few study tips you can use: 

  • Study every day for at least four hours 
  • Use past exam papers to study 
  • Study with other students and share ideas 
  • Find a personal tutor 
  • Do research on the internet


You can use the remark option to get better marks. Your paper will be marked by an examiner. They will look at all questions and answers. You will be given marks that are correct and fair. You can apply for this process through the Department of Basic Education offices.


You can use the recheck option to receive better marks. Your paper will be checked by an examiner to make sure that all your marks are fair and correct. You can apply for this process through the Department of Basic Education offices.

View Paper

You can use the view paper option if your paper has been checked or remarked on by an examiner. You will look at the paper yourself and ensure that all questions were marked and that you were given fair and accurate marks. If you are interested in this process, contact the Department of Basic Education.

Study Matric Again

If you failed Matric, you are allowed to study the class again. This is possible if you are younger than 21. You can look at your previous High School or choose a new school. Studying Matric again gives the advantage of knowing what to expect. 

Use your experience to plan ahead. Practise for all tests, assignments, class presentations and exams. You will be able to pass if you take the time to study and complete all your assessments. Make sure that you participate in all assessments, even if it is for 10 marks. You will need these marks to boost your final marks.

Options If You Pass Matric

If you find out that you have passed your Matric, this is good news. You have different options to pursue. These are: 


You can use your Matric Certificate to study at a college. You can do this at Matric College. These are the courses you can study: 

NATED Courses

You can study our NATED Courses. These courses will help you get employed because they are skills and knowledge-based and these are qualities that employers value. Here are the NATED Courses we offer: 

ICB Courses

You can use your Matric Certificate to study. These courses will help you get employment because they offer skills that are in demand in South Africa. Here are the ICB Courses you can study: 

Short Courses

Upgrade Matric Course

If you feel that you are not satisfied with your Matric results, although you passed, you can improve them. You can study for the Upgrade Matric Course at Matric College. You will have a better chance of passing because we assist you with tutors, study material and grade 12 past exam papers.


You can use your Matric Certificate to study at university if you have a Bachelor’s Degree Pass. You will be accepted if you meet the requirements set by the university. If you do not meet the requirements set, you can first upgrade your results at Matric College. You can do this through the Upgrade Matric Course.

Author: Mulisa Nethononda
Editor : Sive Ncanywa
Date: July 01 , 2022