Examination Preparation: Understanding the Questions Asked in Exam Papers

You can understand your exam questions better if you practise for exams using past exam papers. You are provided with these when you study Matric through us.

The examination paper is made up of different questions. Each question is different from the other. To answer these questions, you must understand what each one is asking. Below, we have compiled a list of different terms used in questions papers and what they mean: 

  • Define 
  • Describe 
  • Discuss 
  • Analyse 
  • Classify 
  • Comment 
  • Compare 
  • Evaluate 
  • Interpret 
  • List 
  • Explain 
  • Forecast 
  • Give/provide 
  • Identify 
  • Name 


The term ‘define’ is used in the exam when you have to explain the meaning of a word or phrase. For example, if you are asked to define the term ‘energy’ you would say that energy is the ability to perform work. 


The word ‘describe’ is used in the exam when you are required to give a detailed answer. You should look at the mark allocation next to the question. If the mark allocation is five (5) marks, you can answer with a detailed answer of about five lines or discuss (5) five points. 


The term ‘discuss’ is used in the exam paper when the examiner expects you to give an answer that covers different aspects of what is being asked. For example, if you are asked to discuss the causes of the business cycle, you should speak about three or more causes. Keep in mind that the mark allocation should guide your answer. 


The word ‘analyse’ in the exam shows that you need to analyse a scenario and interpret it. This happens when you are either shown a picture, diagram, graph or a short passage. You must analyse it and explain what is happening. Remember that the mark allocation should guide you. 


The term ‘classify’ is used in the exam when you have to arrange or categorise things according to their similarities. For example, if you are given a list of different energy sources, you may be asked to classify them as renewable or non-renewable.


The word ‘comment’ in the exam shows that you have to give your opinion on the topic. You must state your views and support them with facts. For example, the topic may be about unemployment caused by poverty. You can agree or disagree with this, provided you state your facts. 


When you see the term ‘compare’ in the exam, you should know that it requires you to measure the differences and similarities between two or more scenarios. These should be explained in sentences unless otherwise specified.


The term ‘evaluate’ in that exam shows that you need to assess the scenario and come up with a conclusion. This can include speaking about the condition of the scenario, whether it is a success or failure.  


The word ‘interpret’ implies that you have to read, understand and explain what you have understood. For example, the question can give you a poem of fourteen (14) lines and ask you to interpret what the poem is about. 


When you come across the term ‘list’ in the exam, you should write your answer either in bullet form. For example, if you are asked to list three parts of the human brain, you should answer this way: 

  1. Cerebrum 
  2. Medulla Oblongata 
  3. Skull


The term ‘explain’ in the examination paper requires you to speak about a topic in detail and clearly. Explain the topic in such a way that someone who knows nothing about the topic would understand. 


The term forecast means that you predict what the future holds based on what historical data says. If the examiner uses the term ‘forecast’ in the exam, they want you to give an explanation of what you think will happen in the future based on what you have read/seen. 


The terms ‘give or provide’ in your exam paper, require you to mention what is being asked. If the question asks you to give/provide five (5) ways to improve sprint velocity, you should answer this with a short and detailed answer. 


If you are asked to identify anything in an exam question, you are required to recognise and name what is asked. This is usually asked when you have been given a picture, diagram, table, graph, chart or passage. 


The term ‘name’ requires that you answer with one word or a phrase. Students are usually advised to answer in phrases rather than words unless stipulated otherwise. For example, if you are asked to name two things you do in your free time, this is how you should answer: 

  1. I love reading fiction novels instead of saying ‘reading’
  2. I enjoy taking naps instead of saying ‘napping’ 

What Is The Proper Way To Answer Exam Questions?

he proper way to answer exam questions is by doing it the following way: 

  • Provide a straightforward answer 
  • Include key points in your answer 
  • Answer briefly or in more detail depending on the mark allocation

What Are The 3 Ways To Prepare For An Examination?

These are the three (3) ways to prepare for an examination

Study To Understand 

When preparing for your exam, you should be studying. This is the first and most important part of your exam preparations. When you study, make sure that you are doing it to gain understanding. This is the only way you will be able to answer questions correctly in the exam. 

Use Past Exam Papers 

You can use past exam papers to see how examiners set questions. Familiarise yourself with terms that they use to ask questions. These include terms such as: 

  • Define 
  • Discuss 
  • Classify 
  • Evaluate 
  • Interpret 
  • Compare

Using past exam papers will also help you see how ready you are for the exam. If there are questions that you are finding to be challenging, study them more. 

Get Help From Teachers 

Your teachers are there to help you during times like these. Your exam is important and determines whether you will pass your Matric or not. Ask your teachers to help you with topics that are challenging. Do not allow yourself to write the exam when there are questions that you still do not understand. 

How Can I Study Without Forgetting?

You can study without forgetting by doing the following: 

  • Study daily 
  • Study to understand 
  • For each day that you study, revise what you studied the previous day 
  • Use keywords to remember paragraphs that you study  

How Can I Improve My Memory Before An Exam?

You can improve your memory before the exam by sleeping enough hours. You will wake up with a clear and strong mind. You can also have a better memory by drinking more water and exercising. This makes your body and mind active and strong.

How Can I Increase My Focus While Studying?

You can increase your focus while studying by keeping away the things that distract you. Identify what causes you to feel distracted when studying and keep it from you. For example, the following things can be a distraction:

  • Your smartphone (social media)
  • Loud music 
  • Television
  • Food     
  • Your bed (sleeping space) 

Is Studying With Music Good?

This depends on what you prefer and how loud the music is. If you are someone who can study with a bit of music in the background, do it. However, the music should not be too loud that it becomes a distraction. You should still be able to concentrate on your studying even though you are playing music.

Why Is Understanding The Exam Questions Important?

It is important to understand the exam questions because it will help you give the best possible answers. Use our explanations of exam questions to answer questions in the correct manner and successfully pass your exams.

Author: Mulisa Nethononda
Editor: Sive Ncanywa
Date: July 22 , 2022